Chapter Forty-One

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Chapter Forty-One

__________If Creel House was scary in the normal world, it was a nightmare in the Upside Down

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If Creel House was scary in the normal world, it was a nightmare in the Upside Down.

Every inch of the building looked like a rotting, deteriorated mess. It all smelt odd, too. Like iron and somehow... violence.

"This is unsettling," Robin murmured as the group approached the house.

"Understatement of the year," Steve responded under his breath, the barest hint of a smirk resting on his lips.

"Anyone want to say anything before we head in?" Nancy gulped, sounding almost scared.

Tally looked at her. There was something he wanted to say. In fact, there were several somethings he wanted to say. Though of course, he didn't.

"Alright," she continued, glancing at Tally before turning back to the house and beginning to walk off. "Then let's get to it."

As Nancy and Robin walked ahead, Steve began whispering nervously to Tally.

"You getting any evil energy from this place?" he muttered, looking around anxiously.

"Tons," Tally snickered, trying to smile as realistically as possible.

Steve paused for a moment, looking hesitant. "Any... supernatural evil energy?"

Tally didn't respond right away. First, he considered his options. He could say he didn't understand the question, though that would be a lie. He knew exactly what Steve was asking.

Could he sense Vecna with his powers?

That was a tough one to answer. Sure he could, but in the same way the others did. A gut feeling. An instinct that something wasn't quite right.

Though there'd been something else, as well. A prickling feeling that was coursed over his skin.

The kind of goosebump-raising feeling he got whenever he would watch horror movies.

The feeling right before the killer jumped out around a corner, sending the characters into a panicked, screaming frenzy.

Tally had never really liked horror movies.

That feeling had appeared when he'd gone missing however long ago. If felt like a lifetime since that fateful week.

"You dinguses coming?" Robin called after them, before Tally could give Steve an answer. The two girls were already standing on the Creel House's front step, looking almost bored.

Both Steve and Tally nodded sheepishly, hurrying after them.

The inside of the mansion was without a doubt the most horrifying thing to ever exist.

It wasn't necessarily a surprise. It looked like the rest of the Upside Down, though it was still in a way uniquely terrifying.

All four of them were silent as they moved. Creeping across the floor. Thoughts tugged at Tally's head. Impulsive urges to scream. To kick and flail and fight.

They were somewhat painful, causing his headache to grow increasingly more intense.

He strained to try to find Vecna. His skin tingled frantically, though his stupid head couldn't seem to focus on doing anything useful.

The only thing he managed to pick up was that nothing good was about to happen. Absolutely nothing.

The group stayed close together, worried that if one of them strayed to far they'd never be seen again.

Tally couldn't help but look down as he walked. He didn't want to risk stepping on the vines, which twitched ever so slightly as he tiptoed around them.

They approached their first set of stairs silently. It was as if their feet didn't even dare to make a sound as they touched the ground.

That was probably a good thing, though it still made Tally uneasy.

The stairs creaked every time he shifted his weight, though with the way he was trembling, it was pretty much impossible to balance. So he listened to the creaking carefully, wincing every time it got too loud.

As the rounded the final banister, and stepped out onto the landing of the second floor, a dark wrong swarmed Tally's body. It was all wrong.

He looked at the others, wondering if they felt it too, though if they did, none of them seemed to react.

And before he could even think twice about it, the ground began to shake. Throwing all four of them around wildly.

The earthquake lasted less than a minute, though the feeling of wrong only intensified.

Then Robin screamed.

Vines had snaked their way up around her ankles, throwing her against the closest wall, beginning to rapidly engulf her body.

The feeling of wrongness all of a sudden made sense.



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