Chapter One

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Suzie, Do You Copy?

Well a few  things have changed since last year

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Well a few  things have changed since last year. First of all I'm actually happy now a days and second I chopped my hair it's at my shoulder now. Pretty big deal if I do say so myself.

Max holds my hand as we wait with Will, Lucas and now Misty for Mike so we can go to the movies. God all he does is go to Hoppers and make out with El 24/7 I'm not joking. "Your late again." Lucas says as we walk towards Mike as he pikes his bike. "Were gonna miss the opening." Will says, "Yeah if you guys keep winning about it. Let's go and what is she doing here?" Mike asks glancing at Misty, "Oh shut up." Lucas says as he wraps his arm around Misty. We all walk quickly into Star court Mall the new mall, absolutely rad I know.   

Max still holds my hand, Misty walks beside me as we walk after the boys as Lucas argues with Mike about swapping spit with El too much. I mean he's not wrong but still, he's always with Misty I never see them apart. Not like I'm one to talk Max and I are always together. "It's so funny that I want to spend romantic time with my girlfriend!" Mike yells throwing his arms in the air. "I'm spending romantic time with my girlfriend." Lucas says wrapping his arm around Misty and she giggles softly.  

We push through the people on the exalter then Lucas bumps into a girl, "Watch it!" She yelps, "Yeah watch it nerd!" Erica, Lucas' little sister sears and I can't help but laugh. Lucas pushes my arm, "Isn't it past your bedtime?" He asks, "It's it time you die?" She says back and Max and I burst into laughter and he continues to argue with her. We run into Scoops Ahoy where Steve works and Mike rapidly rings the bell. 

"Hey dingus your children are here." Robin he's coworker says and Steve pushes the window open, "Again? Seriously!" He groans and Mike rings the bell again just to annoy him. He takes us in the back and we speed walk through the back halls. "I swear if anyone hears about this." Steve says, "We're dead." We all say finishing his sentence. "All clear." Mike says and we quickly sneak into the movie theater showing Day of the Dead Max squeezes my hand and plops me beside her. "See we made it." Mike says and we roll our eye. 

Will hands me a sprite and Max skittles she giggles. "Catch," She laughs throwing a skittle into my mouth and I laugh and she kisses me. The movies begins to get intense mid way through and then the power shuts off. Max squeezes my hand, "Come on." She says and The Who theater groans. I look over to see Lucas and Misty making out I shove Max's shoulder she looks over and we start to laugh again and I throw a skittle into her mouth. 

The film then turns on and everyone cheers, Lucas and Misty unfazed. I then feel my brother grab the back of his neck and my nose starts to bleed dripping onto my hand. "Shit," I grumble and Max looks over handing me a tissue and tilting my head back. "What's wrong?" I mutter too Will and he takes his hand away, my nose bleed stops immediately after he does so. "Nothing." He says and I roll my eyes. Something happens in the movie and everyone gasps, I shake my head and look at Max with a smile. She gives me a skittle and intertwines her fingers in to mine. Her smile instantly distracting me.

My eyes dart open the next morning to see Max siting on top of me my window wide open. "Morning." She smiles and I groan burying my head in my pillow. "Come on, Dustin gets home to day we've gotta be at his place to surprise him." She smiles dragging me out of bed. "Okay, okay." I say as she shoves a blue tank top, jean shorts and my converse into my arms. I put them on and she gets on my bike and we ride to Dustins quickly. 

We get off and I give Max a kiss, "Your so pretty." I say and she smiles giving me another and then someone sighs. "Come on you guys are blocking the door. Stop kissing we need to get inside before he gets home." Lucas says and Max and I pull away to see Misty wrapped around his arm. "Your one to talk." I tease and he punches me in the arm. Max grabs my hand and we walk inside Will, Mike and El are already hiding in our hiding place. 

We hid with them and the door opens I hear Dustin says something and stomp into his room. "Ready?" I say and El nods closing her eyes and making all of Dustins toys move leading him into the living room. "Now," Mike whispers to El after I nod at him signaling Dustin is in the zone. We sneak behind him Lucas holding a sign reading welcome home Dustin, we count to tree quietly and then we all blow party horns. Dustin screams bloody murder and sprays Lucas in the eyes with hair spray. Lucas and Dustin scream in horror.

Misty, Max and I dunk Lucas' eyes in water, he takes them out "Better?" Misty asks softly, "Still stings." Lucas says and then looks at Max. "Is that a new zit?" He asks pointing at her forehead. "What is wrong with you?" I ask grabbing his head and shoving his eyes back into the water. Dustin, Will, Mike and El walk past. "What's going on?" Misty asks shyly, "Going to go talk to Dustin's girlfriend." Will says with stuff in his arms. "Girlfriend?" Lucas, Max and I say surprised and running after them. 

"Aren't we high enough?" Lucas pants as we all hike up a hill after walking for two hours. "Cerebro works best at a hundred meters." Dustin enthuses, I throw my head back groaning. "You know, I'm pretty sure people in Utah have telephones." Max chimes in, "Yeah, but Suzie's Mormon." Dustin says, "Oh shit." Lucas mutters. "So she doesn't have electricity?" Misty asks and Lucas argues, "No babe I'm pretty sure that's the Amish." He says and I turn around giving him a look. Babe, um ok. "What are Mormon's?" Will questions, "Super religious white people. They have electricity and cars and stuff. But since I'm not Mormon her parents would never approve. It's all a bit Shakespearean." Dustin replies.

"Shakespearean?" I say with a laugh, "Yeah like Romeo and Juliet." Dustin says explaining his love life, "Right." I trail off. I think I've seen this film before and I didn't like the ending, any who. "Hey guys! This is fun and all but I." Mike announces and we turn around as he points to his watch. "I have to go home." El says softly, "We're almost there." Dustin pleads and they giggle running off laughing hands intertwined. "It's four," Dustin wines, "They've been like this all summer." Lucas says and I give him a look. 

"It's romantic." Max says and I bop her on the nose she laughs. "It's gross," Will groans, "It's bullshit. I just got home. We'll their loss right. On wards and up wards. Suzie awaits." Dustin says and we all groan in protest. My nose then starts to drip blood and I look back at Will he hurries after us, the hell. "Jessica, your nose it's bleeding." Misty says pointing out the obvious. "Yeah I know." I mutter wiping the blood away on my arm. 

"Made it." Dustin enthusiasts when we reach the top of the hill. "Only look five hours." Max pants dropping the thing in here hand and grabbing mine. "Why can't we play dnd?" Will wines as Lucas chugs the water Misty gives him a sad face and he gives her the rest. We help Dustin build he's wired thing and when we get it standing he smiles. 

"Pretty impressive right? No you're ready to meet my love." He grins and I give him a sarcastic smile. Dustin turns the radio one, "Suzie this is Dustin. Do you copy? Over." He says and we get a response of radio silence. He repeats himself over and over with no response. The sun soon begins to set, "Well we need to go." Lucas says with Misty rapped around his arm and they run down the hill together. I flip them off as they go down. 

Long into the early night we lay in the grass waiting for Suzie to respond, big surprise she doesn't. "She's not there." I mutter, "She is too." Dustin says pressing the radio again. "Dustin is obviously lying. Come on gorgeous." Max says getting up and putting her hand out for me I grab it and we run down the hill together. "Where are you going?" Dustin asks after us, "Home." Max yells back. I soon here Will running after us and he catches up.

"Jessie, Max!" He yells after us and we slow down still not parting hands. "I have a uh question?" He says and we nod intently. "How did you um know that uh Max liked you?" He asks me and I give him a strange look I then open my mouth and Max giggles. "Dose my little brother have a girlfriend?" I tease and he rolls his eyes, "Your like a minute older, and no I don't. But there's this person." He trails off, "Person?" Max asks and he sighs, "Never mind." He mutters, "Will come on we're literally lesbian girlfriends." I say after him and he sighs.

"There this person in the party and I think I like him." Will awkwardly says and my mouth drops, Mike holy shit its Mike.                                           

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