Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Early Hours of the Morning

Nova's POV

I couldn't sleep as my ribs were aching, I decided to get showered and dressed, putting on a bandeau, an oversized grey hoodie and a pair of black skinny jeans, along with my black heels. I walked through the empty, quiet clubhouse, grabbing a bottle of water, before walking outside and sat down the picnic table carefully, holding my ribs as I did. I opened the bottle of painkillers that Piney gave me and took another two as I looked over the compound as the sun started to rise. I heard the door to the clubhouse open but didn't look up until I felt someone sit next to me, I realised it was Kozik.

"What are you doing up so early?" Kozik asked, "Couldn't sleep, my ribs are pretty sore, what are you doing up this early?" I replied, "Just thinking. Have you taken some painkillers?". "Yeah but there's not much you can do with broken ribs." I replied. Just as Kozik went to reply, Piney and Juice walked out of the clubhouse with the prospect Dash following behind, he went to the gate and prepared to open it. I stood up with Kozik and we walked over to the van with Piney and Juice, I jugged Piney as he quietly said "You need anything, just call" as I nodded.

Kozik's POV

I watched as Nova hugged Piney before she stepped back against her car. I walked over to Piney as he wrapped an arm over my shoulders "I'll take care of her Piney" "I'm counting on it" Piney replied as he let me go, and opened the door. I walked back over to Nova and stood beside her, we watched as Dash opened the gate before watching the van drive away.

"Let's head back inside" I said as I gently placed my hand on her lower back as we started walking back into the clubhouse, as the prospect followed behind us. We sat down at one of the table as the prospect walked back over handing us each a coffee "Do you want milk, cream or sugar?" Dash asked Nova, she shook her head "No thanks, black coffee is great." "Happy and Quinn are arriving back today" I told Nova as Dash walked back in carrying a box of spirits. "Here let me give you a hand" Nova said to Dash as she went to stand up but I grabbed her wrist, stopping her. "Sit down and rest at least until we get you checked out by a doctor. I don't want you hurting yourself more." I told her as I said doctor, I noticed she looked panicked. "The doctor is on the club's payroll" I said quietly as she visually relaxed just as the rest of the club arrived in the lot.

"We've got church now." Hamco said as he walked in with the rest of the club, I stood up and headed into the chapel.

Nova's POV

I watched as the club went into the chapel for church, I stood up grabbing both mine and Kozik's mugs and taking them through to the kitchen before sitting back down at the bar and talking to the prospect. "So how much time do you have left?" I asked Dash as he restocked the bar, "A couple of months" He replied. "Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked as Dash shook his head "No, I've got it and I think Kozik would hurt me if I let you help." "Can I ask what happened?" Dash asked quietly, "You can, I just upset someone. It looks worse than it is really." I replied. We continued talking until I heard the chapel doors open, I stood up unsure of what to do as Kozik walked over to me.

"Dash, you are going to drive Nova in the van. Hamco wants you to get checked out" Kozik told us quietly. "I can ride" I said to him as he looked down at me, "are you sure?" he asked as I nodded. "Alright prospect, we're going to ride instead." Kozik said to Dash who nodded. "Hey Kozik, once you get back, show Nova around" Hamco said before we walked out of the club.

Kozik's POV

I pulled up at the clinic with Nova, her arms wrapped tightly around my waist, and the prospect beside us. "Watch the bikes prospect." I told Dash, as Nova and I walked into the clinic to see Doctor Lauren Graham. We walked into an exam room and waited, "I'll leave once Lauren arrives" I told Nova but she replied "You don't have too, I mean I don't do too well with doctors and hospitals", I nodded.

"Hi Kozik, what do we have today?" Lauren said as she walked in, not bothering to look up, "I need you to look at Nova, especially her ribs" I said as she finally looked up, slightly stunned before regaining her composure. Lauren walked over to Nova and looked at her face, lightly feeling it, "there's no broken bones in your face, now I just need to look at your ribs" Lauren said, I watched as Nova unzipped her hoodie, exposing her ribs and the dark bruises. I watched as Lauren started pressing on her ribs, Nova quickly bit her lip and I quickly placed my hand on her lower back. "Yeah, you defiantly have some broken ribs, they should heal in six weeks, no heavy lifting or running." Lauren said quickly before finishing up. Nova zipped her hoodie back up and got off the table, we walked back out to the bikes and headed back to the clubhouse.

Nova's POV

We arrived back at the club and I got off the bike. "Prospect, go get the keys to the office." Kozik said as I handed him back the helmet. "Thanks for taking and staying with me." I said to Kozik. "It's alright, I'm sorry about Lauren." He replied as he got off his bike. "Yeah, I kind of picked up on the tension. I'm guessing you two had something?" I asked pushing the boundaries. "No, not really. I mean..." Kozik stumbled over his words before we were interrupted by Hamco and the rest of the club "Kozik, where's the prospect, we have to head out." Donut said loudly as I stepped back, "he's behind you Donut" Kozik replied just as Dash came over. "I'll show you the office later" Kozik said as he walked over to the bike, "I think I can find it" I replied as Dash handed me the keys.

Kozik's POV

I watched as Dash gave Nova the keys to the office before walking back over to my bike, as she walked closer to the clubhouse. I got on my bike and clipped up my helmet, as Hamco looked at me "how is she?" he asked, I started my bike and replied "A few broken ribs but she'll be fine" before we headed out of the lot.

Nova's POV

I stood next to the clubhouse, and watched as the guys rolled out of the lot, before looking down at the keys in my hand. I decided to take a look at the office and see how up to date the accounting was. I crossed the compound and walked into the garage, looking at all the car and parts, before walking out and stopping at the locked door of the office. I slowly unlocked the door and opened it, revealing the mess. I stepped into the office and looked around, the musty smell hitting my nose, I immediately opened the door wider and the window, every wall and piece of furniture was stacked high with stacks of paper and boxes, with a thick coating of dust to match. I walked over to the sofa and started looking through the papers trying to see if they were in some sort of order but I realised the papers dated back years. I grabbed the first two boxes, which were packed to the brim, and put them down on the floor, and sitting down, starting to go through them.

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