Chapter Thirty Five

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Chapter Thirty Five

Three Weeks Later

Nova's POV

I picked up Mason from the nursery that Circa had managed to get him into. The last three weeks had been uneventful, everyone enjoying the peace now that the threat had been dealt with. It finally felt like things were good.

I arrived at the clubhouse and got Mason out, him wrapped his hand in my hair lightly as I held him to me. I noticed an all too familiar car pull in and park up, even with the lot being empty meaning the club was out. I watched as Danielle got out and made her way over to me, going to grab Mason but I stepped back making her frown, just as Ella walked out of the clubhouse. "Ella, take Mason inside." I told her, she quickly took Mason from me and walked inside. "He's my son and I have a right to hold him." Danielle spat at me. "You gave up that right the day you left without so much as an explanation. You don't get to walk out and then back in when you want too. He is not some toy, he is a child. You can sort it out with Circa but let me tell you this now, if you think that you taking that child away from his father is going to happen, dream on." I told her angrily before I turned around and walked into the clubhouse, leaving her outside.

I walked in and sat down next to Ella who was holding Mason as he happily ate some fruit. "Thanks for taking him. Until Circa sorts it out with Danielle, she is not to come near Mason. Things are a bit rocky and she isn't the best." I told Ella who nodded as she watched Mason. "I had a child, a daughter, she would be 14 now. I had her when I was 16 and had to give her up for adoption so she could have a better life. I understand the need to protect." Ella told me sadly. "I'm sorry." I said not knowing what else to say. "Are you ok with him for a while?" I asked as she nodded. I thanked her before walking back outside.

I watched from the table as Danielle leaned against her car, as I heard the club coming towards the lot. I stood and glared at her as she began to move, she instantly stopped. The club rode in and parked up. I quickly made my way to Circa grabbing his arm as he started to walk towards Danielle. "You're his father and you have to protect him." I told him simply as he nodded. I released his arm and watched as he walked over before Kozik draped his arm over my shoulders, quickly kissing my forehead before leading me inside with the rest of the club, a smirk on his lips.

It wasn't long before Circa walked into the clubhouse, a red handprint adorning the side of his face. He walked over to Ella and took Mason out of his arms. "Mason is staying, Danielle just wanted money not her son. The house is finally ready along with the Nanny." Circa told us smiling as Mason clapped his hands together happily. I nodded my head and smiled.

"Right, I'm going to head home. I need to pick up some groceries too." I told Kozik. "It's going to be a late night for me babe. I have to take a ride and pick something up later tonight." Kozik told me. "Alright. I'll see you later then. Love you." I replied before I kissed him and walked out to my car.


I walked around the grocery store, pushing a cart, as I filled it with everything we need, but coming to a stop as I got to the pregnancy tests, I picked a single test up, throwing it in the cart. Now all I had to do was pay for everything and pick up a fresh bunch of flowers from the florists before heading home.

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