Chapter Thirty One

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Chapter Thirty One

Nova's POV

I woke up still tightly held in Kozik's arm around my waist, his head still buried into my neck. I craned my neck slightly to look at the time and it was almost 1pm. I lightly began running my fingertips along Koz's arm until I heard him groan lightly and press his face against my neck again, feeling his lips against my neck as he did, as his grip loosened slightly. I quickly turned over in his arm, so I was facing him, he buried his head into my boobs as I ran my hand through his hair gently over and over. I heard his breathing slow down and looked down, realising he had fallen back asleep.

I laid with Kozik asleep still running my hand through his hair until there was a knock at the door, the door opened and Dash stuck his head in smiling as I looked over at him "Kozik is needed at the table" he said quietly as I nodded, Dash quickly shutting the door as he left. "Koz baby, wake up" I said running my fingers down his spine, earning another moan, "they need you at the table" I said quietly as he finally pulled his head back and looked at me. He quickly kissed me before getting out of bed and going to the drawers, pulling out fresh clothes and getting dressed before putting his holster on along with his cut. He walked out. I got up and moved to the drawers pulling out a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a maroon coloured lingerie set, a black cami and an oversized black cardigan before walking into the bathroom for a shower. I finished showering and getting ready, I picked up Kozik's clothes from the bathroom floor, instantly noticing the large amount of blood on his shirt, instantly knowing that it wasn't his made me relax slightly. I picked up his jeans and boxers and shoved them all into the hamper in the corner. I walked out to the bar, saying good morning to Kelly who was holding Mason as the new prospect put a fresh cup of coffee in front of me. I picked up my coffee and headed outside, sitting down at the table and lighting a smoke.

I finished my smoke and stubbed out the butt just as an all too familiar car pulled into the lot. I watched as the nasty whore got out. I stood up, grabbing my cup, packet of smokes and my lighter and walked back inside, shutting the door behind me. Kelly looking up at me, "the whore is here" I told her as I walked over to the bar standing beside her and Mason, knowing I can't touch her as she won't drop the charges this time.

Kelly's POV

I saw Nova walk in, she was distressed as she walked over to me and Mason, "the whore is here" she growled. I looked up at the screen which showed all the cameras, and realised that Rachel was walking towards the clubhouse. I quickly stood up, handing Mason to Ella and walking straight into the chapel, interrupting the club's church. "Sorry, but Kozik you better get out here before there is a massacre" I told the club as they looked at me hearing the clubhouse door open and heels click against the floor.

Kozik's POV

"Sorry, but Kozik you better get out here before there is a massacre" Kelly said as she interrupted church. I quickly stood up along with the rest of the club to see Rachel walking into the clubhouse, "stupid bitch" I said quietly as I looked around for Nova, she was standing beside the bar with her eyes narrowed at Rachel clearly pissed before I glared at Rachel and walked over to her. "You were meant to leave and stay away." I growled at Rachel as she stepped back slightly. "I know but I stuffed up Koz baby. I got involved with some people." Rachel whined trying to touch me but I pulled back away from her. "So what, you thought you could come here and have me help, nice try." I growled. "The people I got involved with are the ones trying to hurt you. I hated that you rejected me and just wanted...just wanted you to feel some pain but I never meant for it to get this far." Rachel told us all. I went for her, anger coursing through me, but Happy and Donut quickly pulled me back and held me.

I watched as Kelly made her way over, grabbing Rachel by the throat and slamming her hard against the wall, squeezing slightly , "Start talking bitch" Kelly said viciously as Rachel tried to pry her hand from around her throat which only resulted in Kelly squeezing harder. I watched as Nova stepped forward slightly between the club and Kelly, her face showing no emotion. "I told these guys about the club, they knew I was a hang around, but I told them about the stuff going down in Tucson, putting it on Tacoma with some added exaggeration." Rachel told us harshly. Kelly finally released her throat making her gasp and Nova stepped forward as Kelly stepped aside, Happy and Donut still holding me but not as tight as we watched the scene in front of us.

"Were you the one responsible for what happened to me?" Nova asked her voice emotionless. "I set it up but it was never meant to go that far, the guys...they were just supposed to knock you around a little bit and trash the house. The shorter one, I was sleeping with him. I just wanted to be with Kozik, I figured if I couldn't have him then he wasn't supposed to have you, be happy. It was never meant to spiral out of control like this." Rachel told Nova who remained emotionless which was starting to scare the hell out of me. I watched as Nova stepped forward and quickly punched Rachel in the stomach, sending her doubling over on to the floor before she walked out of the club.

"You're not going anywhere as you have a lot more to explain." Hamco told Rachel as Happy walked over to her, grabbing her harshly and pulling her up, making her sit down and glaring at her. "Koz, go calm down and then check on Nova before we listen to Rachel." Hamco told me. I nodded and headed out after Nova.

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