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Nova sat on the edge of the bathtub with the positive pregnancy test in her hand, unable to wipe the smile off her face as the tears slid down her face silently.

"Nova!" Gemma yelled through the door as she knocked.

"Coming!" Nova called back as she diligently wiped her face, being careful not to smudge the make up, making sure to hide the test as well as her dress had a hidden pocket. She stood up and pulled the door open.

"Are you ready sweetheart?" Gemma asked knowing she and Kelly had pulled a wedding together in a little under three weeks.

"Yes!" Nova smiled as her eyes welled up again.

"No crying. You can't ruin your make up." Kelly scolded lightly.

"You look gorgeous, absolutely ravishing Nova... That man is going to be speechless." Piney said as Gemma pinned the last piece of the puzzle, her veil, into her hair.

"Thank you Piney." Nova smiled.

"We will see you out there." Gemma told her as she and Kelly left the room.

Nova turned to look at Piney, smiling.

"You know you're a part of the story. I'll never be able to thank you enough for this gift, this life that you gave me Piney, and I am so thankful that you are walking me down the aisle." Nova smiled as she sat next to the man she loved like a father.

"You made this yourself sweetheart." Piney leaned forward and kissed her cheek.


Kozik stood nervously as he waited for Nova to walk down the aisle. It seemed that every Son had made their way to Tacoma for this occasion. He felt a hand clamp down on his shoulder and turned finding his best man Happy with a sly smirk on his face before he caught sight of Gemma and Kelly walk down the aisle and take their seats next to their husbands, both women smiling.

"Last minutes as a free man brother." Happy murmured darkly although the smirk gave him away.

"I know." Kozik chuckled glancing down the aisle again as he waited impatiently for Nova.

The music started and the guests stood as Piney and Nova rounded the corner and slowly descended the grand staircase. Kozik felt his breathe hitch as he looked at Nova whose eyes were firmly locked with his, and the biggest smile crossed his face as he took in the sight of her in her wedding dress, with her hair down in loose waves. She was the definition of stunning.

"Wow!" Koz said breathlessly as Nova and Piney finally reached him.

"You scrub up pretty well yourself." Nova replied making the group of bikers and old ladies chuckle.

"Who gives the woman to this man?" The priest asked.

"Me. And let me tell you this, I will not hesitate to ride up here and shoot you with my shotgun if you hurt her." Piney threatened Kozik as Nova rolled her eyes.

"I won't." Kozik replied as Piney nodded knowing he wouldn't. Piney kissed Nova's cheek then went and sat down.

Kozik held Nova's hands tightly in hers as they both looked at each other full of adoration and love, until it was time to exchange vows and rings.

"Both Nova and Herman have elected to write their own vows... This should be interesting." The priest spoke making both of them glare at him until he held his hands up in a surrendering motion as everyone laughed.

"I could stand here in front of everyone and make all the promises in the world to you but I'm not going to do that. Instead I am going to make a few... I promise to follow you wherever this crazy life leads us, I promise to love you wholeheartedly which means there will be times when I have to make you see sense which may include throwing things at you or making you sleep on the couch, I promise to clean your wounds and help wash the blood away, I promise to always keep the fridge stocked with beer, and I promise to be the best I can be to you as a wife and a mother... And I promise to let you treat me as good as you do your leather, and I'll ride you as much as you ride that Harley of yours... I love you Herman Kozik, always will." Nova pledged making sure to whisper her last promise for only him to hear as she slipped the ring onto his finger while telling him she loved him, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"I promise to give you a beautiful life, to protect you, to be the best husband and father I can be. I promise to make it home, and I promise to love you...be faithful to you because I know you won't hesitate to shoot me with my own gun... I promise to treat you as good as my leather, and ride you as much as my Harley." Kozik said his vows, the men all joining in for the last bit.

"I'm holding you to that." Nova smiled.

"Well that wasn't as interesting as I expected." The priest murmured.

"Seriously, I'm ready to bitch slap you so you better stick to your script Priest." Nova growled as Kozik tried not to laugh while everyone else smirked.

"By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife, biker and old lady." The priest rushed out as Kozik pulled Nova in for a deep kiss as the cheers, whistles and clapping erupted.

"I love you, and your bitch slapping threats." Kozik tried not to laugh as he spoke, brushing his lips against hers.

"I love you too. I have a surprise for you later." Nova spoke softly.


Nova let Kozik pull her down into his lap as they watched everyone else at the reception enjoying themselves. The first moment they had managed to get without people around or trying to talk to them.

"So what is my surprise wifey?" Kozik asked.

"It's in my pocket hubby." Nova smirked as his eyes went wide.

"Your panties are in your pocket?" Kozik asked lowly as he pressed his lips against her temple.

"Not quite. Find out." She pointed at the pocket.

Kozik quickly unzipped and reached into the pocket, frowning at the cold plastic he felt before he pulled it out and read it.

"I took it just before we got married. Guess you've already delivered on the promise of riding me good." She smirked.

"You're pregnant, we're having a baby." He murmured.

"We are." She murmured back as he captured her lips with his passionately.

The End

Thank you for all of the votes and comments. I know this story has been dragged out over quite a length of time but it's all appreciated, the support I mean. I should be posting another Sons of Anarchy inspired story very soon, so feel free to check out my profile or even follow me so you are alerted! Once again, thank you!

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