Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine

Nova's POV

I woke up early the next morning, leaving Kozik to sleep as I made my way into the shower. I finished showering and got dressed before making my way into the kitchen starting on breakfast for the both of us; deciding on fresh coffee, scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, hash browns and grilled tomatoes.

Kozik walked into the kitchen, freshly showered with his jeans hanging low on his hips, wrapping his hands around my hips as I kissed him. "It smells great." Kozik said as he let me go before taking a seat at the table. I finished plating up everything up and poured the coffee before placing it down in front of Kozik. I grabbed my plate and coffee before sitting down in front of him. "So, what's on the agenda for today?" I asked as we ate. "It's going to be a late one and we're going to be out most of the day." Kozik told me as I nodded.

We arrived at the clubhouse and the guys were all sitting around outside, I walked over to them with Kozik. "Hey Nova, would you be able to watch Mas again today?" Circa asked as he bounced him up and down on his lap. "Of course." I replied taking Mason from him. "I've put a call into the local nursery, they have the office number and said they'd ring today." Circa told me as I nodded taking Mason's hand in mine as he cooed. "I'll sort it out." I said to Circa before turning round to Kozik and kissing him. I walked away from the club, taking Mason into the office with me.

Kozik's POV

We arrived at our meet with the Niners to sort out the territory problems that were brewing all around. I looked over at the awaiting Niners and noticed their crew was considerably smaller than last time. "Where's the rest of your crew?" I asked as I took off my gloves and sunglasses. "Bodies have been dropping fast." A Niner soldier said before we started discussing business.

Nova's POV

I sat in the office finishing off the last of the day's paperwork as Mason played on the ground. I pulled him up onto my lap as he started to whine clearly hungry. I stood up with Mason, moving him onto my hip and walked across to the clubhouse, walking in and quickly making him a bottle as well as a banana and some small rice crackers which he happily munched on, sitting as the bar until he'd finished. I looked up at the camera monitors and saw Gardiner pull in, I handed Mason one of his rice crackers and stood up with him, walking out and meeting Gardiner. "Hey Gardiner." I said as he made his way over to me. "Hi Nova. I can't get a hold of the club and need to speak to them." Gardiner replied. "They are out for the day. What's going on?" I replied. "Lets sit at the table while I fill you in." Gardiner replied as Maz came out of the clubhouse. "Maz, take Mason inside and finish feeding him." I said to the prospect who quickly nodded and took him from me and inside before I sat at the table with Gardiner.

"The warehouse was broken into last night and trashed, no one was hurt but I really need someone over there to handle the woman...Ella I think her name was." Gardiner told me. "I'll go and handle it." I told Gardiner. "One of my deputies is still there so I'll head over with you." Gardiner replied. "Alright, I'll have to take Mason and the prospect with me." I replied as I stood up and walked inside. "Maz, you are coming with me and Mason." I told him as I took Mason back and put him in his car seat before grabbing my bag and the diaper bag. Maz quickly followed me out as I carried Mason to the car. We got in and followed Gardiner to the warehouse.


We arrived at the warehouse and the prospect got Mason out of his car seat before handing him to me, we walked in as Gardiner left with his deputy in tow. I walked through the warehouse, shocked at how bad the place was trashed. "Take Mason and go check on Ella, she's in the office." I told the prospect handing Mason back over to him, he quickly nodded and walked into the office. I looked around the studio more, alarmed as I came across the axe in the wall, through the painted Anarchy 'A' on the wall. I took my phone out, calling Kozik, knowing this was serious. "What?" Kozik barked as he answered the phone. "The warehouse was trashed and the club really need to see it." I stated as I looked around. "We'll be there soon." Kozik replied before I hang up.

I walked into the office and looked at the prospect who was sitting next to Ella who was still shaking. "Hi Ella, I'm Nova, are you ok?" I asked nicely feeling sorry for her. "I'm ok, it's just scary that someone would do this." Ella replied still shaking. "The club are on their way here and I won't leave until they are here." I told her as I looked over at Mason who was reaching out for me with his little hand. I reached up and took his hand in mine as she thanked me.

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