Chapter 1

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Y/n: Sigh! Almost done, my sift is almost over.
Store manager: Y/n you might be tired. It's late go home and take rest.
Y/n: It's ok uncle, I'll be heading some soon.
Store manager: Bye! Y/n. Take care.(Waving his hand)
Y/n: Bye uncle.(Waving back)
Store manager: (Speaking to himself) She's such a nice kid, why does she have to suffer so much. Anyways it's time to close now.

Time skip:

Pov: When she reached home and entered, she saw her father sitting on the couch.

Y/n: Dad......what are you doing here sitting alone?
Y/n 's father: Come here and sit down. I have something to tell you.

Pov: She was curious what her father wanted to talk about, as her father never talked with her.

Y/ n: (Sitting down across her father) What is it, dad?
Y/n's father: I've sold you to the mafia and they will come and pick you up.
Y/n: What? You sold me?

Pov: Y/n was trembling with fear.

Y/n: Why? Why? (Tears falling down from her eyes) why did you sold me? Have you ever seen me as your daughter? I can't believe that you are my father. No, I will not go. I will not.
AND. YOU. HAVE. TO. GO. UNDERSTAND?(He shouted the last sentence stopping after every word.)

Pov: Y/n ran into her room and closed the door behind her. She slide down the door and cried hugging her knees close to her chest. She fell asleep while crying.

Y/n: Ouch! My head hurts. I think I fell asleep while crying yesterday.
Y/n's father: Y/n get the fuck up and come down. Someone is here to take you.
Y/n's mind: I guess I don't have any other choice. Sigh! I hate you dad. And I wish that I never see you again.

Pov: As she went down she saw a man in black suit with glasses. He took her out of her home and took her to a luxurious car. When the man opened the door, she saw a man sitting inside the car.

Y/n's mind: Wow! He is handsome, he could be an actor if he was not a mafia.

Y/n's mind: Wow! He is handsome, he could be an actor if he was not a mafia

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????: Hey you! Are you done staring at me?

Pov: She was startled.

Y/n: No.....I...I.....was.....not........(Blushing)
????: Hey don't just stand there. Get the hell in quickly, I don't have time to wait for you.
Y/n's mind: He could be at least a bit nice.

Pov: The whole trip was in silence.

Driver: We are here sir.
????: I know.
Hey you little girl, get off we are here.
Y/n: ( Getting off) ( In her mind: Wow so big. Is this a castle.)( Looking around.)

????: Have you never seen anything like this?Y/n: No

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????: Have you never seen anything like this?
Y/n: No.....I......I wa....was just (She was cut off by him)
????: Anyways my name is Sunghoon. And you are going to stay here from now. (In a cold voice) Go inside.

Pov: He told her that and walked away.

Y/n: (Sigh) I think this is my destiny afterall.

Pov: She entered the mansion and was shocked to see all the luxurious things inside there.

Pov: She entered the mansion and was shocked to see all the luxurious things inside there

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????: Hi! You might be the one my brother had brought right?

????: Hi! You might be the one my brother had brought right?

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Y/n: Huh! Oh yes. Hi I'm Kim Y/n.
????: And I'm Rose', Sunghoon's elder sister and the one sitting there is my friend Jennie.
Y/n: Hi Rose' unnie and Jennie unnie.
Jennie: You look cute.

Y/n: (Blushing) Rose': Where is Sunghoon?Y/n: I don't know

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Y/n: (Blushing)
Rose': Where is Sunghoon?
Y/n: I don't know. He told me to go in and he left.
Rose': Aish! This boy. Anyways come let me take you to your room.
Y/n: Thank you.

Time skip


Pov: Y/n was sitting on the bed thinking about today. And the door clicked opened.

Y/n: (Shuttering)
Sunghoon: Because this is my room. And how dare you enter my room?!!! (Shouting angrily)

Pov: She was trembling in fear.

Y/n: I....I... didn' your room. (Trembling)
Sunghoon: GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM. (He shouted angrily)

I don't know if the chapter was too short or not. And if I need any improvement you all can tell me I'll be happy. And there are some grammatical mistakes as my mother tongue is not English. Soory for that and I hope you all enjoyed it.

Sold to Mafia  Sunghoon×ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now