Chapter 4

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Y/n: Huh! Was that a gunshot?
Pov: She was scared so she called Sunghoon.

OTP: (On the phone)
Hoon: Hello?
Y/n: Sunghoon I heard a gunshot downstairs. I'm not sure but I think it was a gunshot. I'm scared. (Shivering)
Hoon: Y/n stay there, don't be afraid. Lock the door if you are in a room. I'm coming.
Y/n: Ok.

End of call.

Pov: As she was about to close the door, a pair of hands grapped the door and stopped her from closing the door. And some men entered her room.

Y/n: Who are you? Why do you come here?
Man 1: You want to know who we are? We are here to kill you Mrs. Park. *Smirk*
Y/n: Don't come near me. (Backing off)
????: Hey you take her out.
Two men in black: Yes sir.

Pov: They forcefully dragged Y/n downstairs. Y/n was struggling and one of the men pulled her hair. Her body was full of bruises because they were dragging her.

Y/n: Argh!! (Shouting because of the pain)
Man 1: Sush.....Keep quite little girl.

Pov: She was crying and they pulled her hair harder.

Man 1: If you keep on crying, I'll kill you right now. So keep quite.
Y/n: Why do you want to kill me??

Pov: One of the men slapped her. And kicked her stomach.

Man 1: I told you to shut up right. (Glaring at her)

Pov: Y/n was scared that her body was trembling and tears were falling from her eyes continuously.


Hoon: (After the call) Sunoo get the car ready. Y/n is in trouble.
All of them: What???!! (Worried)
Hoon: I think it is the 'Black eagle gang'. We need to hurry.
Sunoo: Ok, hyung.
Jay: Go first. We will be right behind you.

Pov: Sunoo was driving.

Hoon: Drive faster Sunoo.
Hoon's mind: Why do I feel like my world is going to end when she's in danger. Why do I feel like I can't live without her. I feel pain in my heart just knowing that she is in danger. (Clutching his chest)


Pov: When Sunghoon rushed inside their house, he saw them Y/n was on the ground crying and trembling. As Y/n saw Sunghoon she tried to run towards him but one of the man grasped her hair.

Man 1: Not so fast baby.
Hoon: Hey you get your filthy hand off my wife.
Man 1: Awwwww what are you going to do huh.

Pov: He aimed the gun at Y/n's head.

Man 1: Dare to come forward. I'll kill her.
Hoon: If you dare hurt her you are dead.

Pov: As the man was about to pull the trigger, Sunoo shot his hand and the gun fell from his hand. Y/n rushed to Sunghoon and hugged him.

Hoon:'s gonna be ok. (Caressing her hair)
Mam 1: Do you think that I'll let you go that easily? No way.

Pov: He took his gun and was about to shoot Sunghoon but the others came at the meantime and Heeseung shot the man at the forehead. The other two was about to run away but they caught them.

Rose': Hoon take Y/n inside we will take care here.

Pov: Sunghoon carried Y/n bridal style and went to their room.


Jake: I think they knew that Y/n will be alone that's why they came.
Jay: I think so too.
Rose': I think we need to change our place.
Jennie: Jungwoon find their ware abouts as quickly as possible.
Jungwoon: Ok noona.

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