Chapter 8

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At the same time:

Hoon: Y/n, I'm here.

Pov: But she was not there.

Hoon: Y/n? Y/n? *Panicking*
Doctor: Um.....are you Mr. Park? Park Y/n's husband?
Hoon: Yes. Where is she?
Doctor: She went out a few minutes ago saying that her husband will pick her up.
Hoon: Where?
Doctor: I think at the park near the hospital.
Hoon: Thank you, doctor.

Pov: He ran to the direction of the park.

Hoon's mind: Please be there Y/n.

Pov: As he reached the park, he didn't saw Y/n. He searched every corner of the park but he didn't saw her.

Hoon: Y/n!? Where are you? (Shouting)

Hoon's mind: I need to call the others.

Rose': Hello?
Hoon: Noona!!
Rose': Hey calm down. What happened?
Hoon: Is Y/n with you? I can't find her.
Rose': She's not with me. Wait.......she told me that sometimes she felt like someone was following her.
Hoon: Noona!! (Angry) Why didn't you tell me about that earlier?
Rose': I thought that it was just her hallucination.
Hoon: Arugh! (Frustrated) Call the others.
End of the call


Pov: They were all sitting on the meeting table.
Hoon: Jungwoon track where y/n is. There is a tracker in our wedding ring. I put it if emergency comes.
Woon: Hyung you even put tracker in your wedding ring. Wow!
Hoon: Can u shut up Woon.
Heeseung: Calm down Hoon.
Hoon: Hyung how can I calm down in this situation.
Rose: Hoon i know you might be worried but you need to calm down n think nicely ok.
Hoon: But......

Pov: He was cut off by Jungwoon.

Woon: Found her!
Hoon: Where is she?!
Woon: She's in an abandoned building.
Hoon: Guys let's get ready.

Pov: All the members dressed in black so that they won't be visible in the dark and hold their guns.


Y/n's mind: head hurts.

Pov: She was tied to a chair tightly with a rope and her mouth was covered with a tape.

Y/n's mind: Where am i? I'm feeling thirsty.

Pov: Y/n opened her eyes slowly and saw a man entering. He bend down to her level.

Y/n: (Exhausted)
???: You don't need to know that baby. (Smirk)
Y/n: Don't call me baby. So disgusting....

Pov: The man started to caress y/n's thigh.
Y/n: Don't touch me. You filthy man. You son of a b*tch.

Pov: The man slapped her.
???: You dare to curse me. I was going nice on you but i think you want something else.

Pov: He took off his belt and started hitting her.
Y/n: Ahhh!!! (Shouting)

Pov: After hitting her for sometime, he took a knife and slice y/n's cheek.
Y/n screamed in pain. Blood was dripping from her cheek.

Y/n: Please......let me go. I'm pregnant...(crying)
???: Awww....thank you for the information. I can kill two birds with one stone. I can't wait to see Sunghoon's face when he found out that his wife and child. (Laughing)

Pov: as he was about to stab y/n, gunshots could be heard from outside and the door flung open revealing Sunghoon with Jay n Heeseung behind him.
Y/n: Sunghoon! (Smiling)
Hoon: I've come now babe. Don't worry. And you Tom how dare you kidnap my wife. And you even laid your dirty hands on her. I'll make your life a living hell.

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