Chapter 6

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Hoon: Y/n!!!! Noona!!!
Rose': What?
Hoon: I told you not to let her drink right?
Rose': We just drank cocktail. I didn't knew that her alcohol tolerance was that bad.
Hoon: Augh... there's no use arguing with you. I'll take Y/n home. Bye guys I'll head home first.
All of them: Bye bye.
Jungwoon: Have fun tonight. (Teasing)
Hoon: (Death glare)


Y/n: Yeah...!!! I'm a little butterfly. Flap! Flap! *Flapping her arms*
Hoon: Uhh!! How am I going to drive like this....


Pov: Sunghoon carried her into their room and since she was moving too much, they both fell on the bed. Sunghoon was now on top of Y/n.

Hoon's mind: She's tempting me. She looks cute as well as hot now.

Pov: And his eyes shifted to her lips. And without wasting a second he pressed his lips against hers. And after a while they parted.

Hoon: It's your fault. Don't beg me to stop later. *Devilish smirk*

Pov: Sunghoon started unzipping Y/n's dress and threw it on the ground. He kissed her again and slowly trailed down to her neck leaving marks. A small moan escaped from Y/n's mouth.

Author: I'll leave the rest to your imagination. I don't know how to write after this.


Y/n: My head hurts. What happened yesterday?
Y/n's mind: Wait a minute....why am I not wearing anything? Aughhh!!!! (Screaming in her mind) And who is hugging my waist?

Pov: As she turned around, she saw Sunghoon sleeping hugging her. She was shocked at first. She stared at him and caress his cheek and his eyes flutter opened.

Hoon: Morning. *Smiling*
Y/n: Um....mor....morning. *Blushing* (Covering her face with her hand)
Hoon: Aww... Is my Y/n feeling shy. (Teasing)
Y/n: Yah! Stop it and what happened yesterday?
Hoon: Don't you remember anything?
Y/n: No.
Hoon: You were drunk and I took you home. And after that um......
Y/n: No need to say after that. (Covering his mouth)

Pov: After that she ran into the bathroom blushing.

Hoon: Cute. *Chuckling*


Pov: Y/n was wearing scarf because there were marks given by Sunghoon. (Hehe)

Rose': Y/n why are you wearing scarf? Isn't it hot today?
Y/n: wanted to wear so..... Haha *awkward laugh* (looking at Sunghoon)
Hoon: Here noona eat this. (Stuffing food into her mouth)
Rose': Um....yah! Why did u feed me too many food?
Hoon: Nothing. *Poker face* (Trying not to laugh)
Y/n: Um....unnie, I want to go out. I'm feeling bored here. *Pout*
Rose': I'm sorry Y/n, but I've got some important works.
Y/n: Oh! (Disappointed)
Rose': Well I think Sunghoon don't have work today. You can go with him.
Y/n's mind: I don't want to be with him after what happened yesterday. It's so embarrassing.
Hoon: Yes you can go with me too why always noona.
Rose': Ok bye. I'm late. (Rushing out)
Y/n and Hoon: Aneyong!
Hoon: So where do you want to go?
Y/n: I want to go to the amusement park.
Hoon: Why? They're for kids.
Y/n: But I never got the chance to go there because of my father. (Sad)
Hoon: Yah....Go and change your dress. (Pushing her back) We are going there.
Y/n: Really?!
Hoon: Yes.
Y/n: Thank you. (Jumping up and down)

Pov: She gave a peck on Sunghoon's cheek.

Hoon: What was that? *Surprised*
Y/n: It's nothing. (Blushing) Move let me get changed.

Pov: She pushed Sunghoon out of the bedroom and he stumbled a little.

Hoon's mind: Silly girl. I'll not let her escape next time.
Y/n's mind: Arugh!!! What did I do just now. Am I in love with Hoon? Does he have the same feeling towards me? Arugh!!!
Anyway what shall I wear? Um...... *Tapping her index finger on her chin standing infront of her closet*
Hoon from outside: Y/n will you open the door. I also have to get changed.
Y/n: Yes. I'm coming.

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