chapter 1

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Author's pov

It's 6 am in the morning and everyone's awake since the birthday of the twin is coming up this October 30 and it's 2 months away from now and everyone's starting to prepare to make it perfect.

The queen is on his way to princess jian and prince jeongwoo's room, to convince them about the party and the reasons why they can't possibly hold a simple party.

Princess Jian's pov

I heard a knock in the door, but since I'm too lazy to stand up, I called jeongwoo to open the door but the latter just ignore me, so I didn't have a choice but to open the door like a zombie , then I saw my mom's face,it turned into a shock expression since I literally look like I just got in a fight.

"Little miss you should take care of yourself and you should wake up early since you're big day is coming up" my mom said as she let me see myself in front of the mirror and started combing my hair.

" Mom I told you I don't want an extravagant party, I just want a simple one" I told her with a cute face but she just pinch my cheek and wake jeongwoo up. And I also got up from my sit and also went to jeongwoo to help me persuade mom to have a simple one than a extravagant birthday party.

"Jeongwoo help me persuade mom , I don't want a extravagant birthday party, you don't want that too, right?" And jeongwoo sit up from his bed.

"yes mom we don't want a extravagant birthday party we just want a simple one with our close friends" he also said that with a puppy eye but mom won't just listen.

"Ohhh ,babies come here" mom said hinting us to go to each side of her and we go to each side of her arm and she started to pat our shoulder.

" Babies you know right that this birthday party is important because you'll be at your legal age and you would be expecting more task to do to make our kingdom better right ,so let's just do it , okay, I want you to enjoy this birthday party because you won't know what will happen to your life , you'll be busier than usual so I want you to enjoy that day , okay". After mom said that we don't have a choice so we just agree to her plan.

Author's pov

So they agree to their mom and started to do their morning routine. After an hour they came running to the kitchen of the palace.

They were always like that, there so playful but when they saw their older brother they would become as quite as a mute because they know what will happen to them.

" Why do you always run like your still a little kid, you'll be at your legal age soon so be mature for even a little bit " prince jihoon said to his little sister and brother.

His  always strict but that's how he show his love and the twin already know that. So they would feel wierd when jihoon won't scold them ,that's how there bond is.

"Mianhae oppa"princess jian said and prince jeongwoo also said " mianhae hyung"  and they sit to there respective sets and started eating.

The atmosphere in the dinning table is so quit but in a comfortable way. Then there father get there attention when it told them that there cousin  hyunsuk and andastrea would go back to south Korea.

" Everyone I have something to tell you, you remember your cousins right? Hyunsuk and andastrea " king Mason said and the 3 teenagers nod.

" they'll be coming back tomorrow in Korea and I want you 3 to fetch them at the Incheon Airport tomorrow, is that okay? " There father said asking.

"Of  course, not a problem appa." Princess jian said and his father just smile ." I wonder what they look like now "prince jeongwoo said looking at the food.

" Don't know but will find out tomorrow,so you better wake up early, okay " prince jihoon said.

" Ne " and the twin immediately respond getting a smile from there older brother.

" I miss them so much"princess jian said and prince jeongwoo just nod. And they continue eating.



Hi guys omoooooo 😖😖😖this is my first treasure ff so hope you'll support me and sorry  if it's wrong grammar ✌️✌️ 😘love you all and kindly give me some feedback even if it's good or bad I'll accept it and will try  to make better stories 🙂 love you all mwaaaa😘😘

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