chapter 12

153 8 1

~Time skip~

Author's pov

It's now 2 pm in the afternoon and the visitors are preparing to go home to their Kingdom except for the Hamada family since they will be staying for 1 week and today is their 4th day in this kingdom So they still have 3 days left before they go back to Japan.

The Park family are now on their way to bid their goodbye to their visitors. " Are they still there?" King Mason asked the butler.

" Yes ,your majesty there still there waiting for the royal family" the butler said and after a few minutes they arrive at the front of the palace.

" Thank you for staying here we wish you a safe trip" king Mason said to their visitors.

And the visitors couldn't say bad about the royal family because their hospitality is really good and warm.

Almost all visitors are going home now and the king and his family already bid their goodbye to their visitors, so they get back inside the palace to do the things they need to do.

" Appa I'll go now I still need to meet the minister of art" prince jihoon said and his father immediately nod.

" Hwaiting hyung" prince jeongwoo said" I'll be going now so be good you two " prince jihoon said while hugging the twin and emmediately go to meet the minister of art.

"Jihoon oppa is such a responsible prince" princess jian said that made her father smile.

" You and jeongwoo are going to have a task to do too since you're now a young lady and a young man." King Mason said that made the twin a little sad.

" But I'm too lazy to do some royal works appa" prince jeongwoo said " he's right appa can we do it when we're already mature enough?" Princess jian added.

" No you can't " their father said " but don't worry me and your mother will guide you " the king added.

" But for now take a rest first my babies I know you're tired" their mother said.

" but when I ask for you don't be lazy, okay!" Their father said and the twin emmediately nod their head before running.

" Let's go take a look at the gifts " prince jeongwoo said " yeah let's go I'm so excited to open all of them" princess jian said looking so happy.

Prince Asahi's pov

After I ask for jian-shii necklace and take a look at it, I found out that it's really identical and because of that I emmediately run without saying goodbye to her.

Why is it the same? Why do we have the same ring? I keep on thinking. I have a bad feeling about this. I need to find father, I need to ask him about this thing. I'm now finding father but I didn't see him so I just wait at our room.

I take a nap first because my eyes are drowsy, after an hour I  heard some male voice talking so I quickly wake up.

" You're awake asahi" Mashiho said and I nod " guys can you help me get trea's number? Please!" Haruto said asking as but my mind is still floating.

" I want to get jian-shii number too but I don't know, I just can't bring myself to ask for it when we're talking." Yoshi said that get my attention.

Does she like jian-shii i thought to myself then I thought maybe father is now on his room.

" Guys I'll go now" I said" where are you going hikun?" Mashiho ask but I didn't answer it and proceed in finding father.

Finally I found him " father" I called him " son, what it is? " Father asked.

" can we talk inside I just want to ask you something"I said " ok, let's talk inside " father said so I emmediately went to the room.

" Father why do we have the same ring?" I said " do you mean you and princess jian?" He said asking and I nod.

" Your ring and her ring is a token of marriage" father said " what! Does she know about this?" I said with an annoyance visible in me.

" No, she still doesn't know , we were planning to tell you both but you found it out ,so we well only need to tell her" he said.

"Did you plan it together with her father? " I asked " you don't know anything son" he said.

" I'll explain everything on Monday afternoon before we go back to Japan on Tuesday, so please don't tell her first, okay, go now I still have things to do" he added so I emmediately go out of the room and went to the garden to relax my mind.

Author's note:

Hello everyone 🤗🤗 so here it is hoping that you'll like it and please vote for this chapter if you like it 🙂🙂 so that would be all 😊 love you all mwaaaa 😘😘😍

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