Chapter one: Don't give up the ship

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( Crystal p.o.v. )

Right now I'm on my way to the money bin where my husband Scrooge McDuck is swimming in his three cubic-acre vault of cash so I can tell him that we need to leave so we're not late in picking up our nephews so Donald can leave with his new navy crew to see the world but Scrooge isn't to keen on the idea  when I reach the bin I can hear Scrooge sing. I love money I do I do. I love to swim in it like a porpoise barrow though it like a gopher then toss it up and let it hit me on the head.  Scrooge said. Scrooge darling we're going to be late in picking up our nephews at the docks. I said he then looks at his watch. Curse me kilts! Your right dear thanks. he said he then swims up to the ladder climbs up it already changed into his usual attire we then make our way to meet up with Donald and the boys on the way there we pass a lady that is colleting money for the poor while ringing a bell. Penny for the poor? she ask when she see us. They're not worth it. Scrooge said as he walks past her but I put in a dallier. Oh thank you miss. she said I smile at her as I walk away we then walk past a lady that's giving free samples of cheese. Would ether of you care for a sample Mr. or Mrs. McDuck? she asked. No. Scrooge said as he walks by. But Scrooge darling samples mean free. I said. Free? he asked Yes. I said as I nod my head he then went back to the lady. Can I have more then one? he asked. Yes. the lady said Scrooge then takes the tray dumps the whole thing of cheese into his hat. Be back tomorrow. he said as we walk away a little later he takes out his watch.  Ech. We'll never make it unless I...he pause gulp loudly. Spend money on a taxi. Ech! he said. No worry's I'll pay for it but next time we'll have Duckworth take that way not only we would have been on time but it wouldn't have cost us a cent. I said as was calling for a taxi. Thank you dear your a life saver and your right as always. he said as he then kisses my check.

( Donald p.o.v. )

I was just saying goodbye to my nephews while we wait for Aunt Crystal and Uncle Scrooge so I can leave the boy in their care for indefinite period of time Scrooge nor the boys are too keen on the idea but their the only ones that I can trust to look after them. Now while I'm in the navy boy you mind your Uncle Scrooge and Aunt Crystal. I said. We don't mind Aunt Crystal but Uncle Scrooge he's so cheap. Huey said. Yeah but he's family. I said while shrugging my shoulders. Ok Huey? I asked. Yes Uncle Donald. Huey said I then looked to Dewey.  No backtalk Dewey. I said I then looked at Louie. Louie be good and No Spitballs. I said. Yes and no Uncle Donald. Louie said. And one more thing. I said they all looked at me waiting for me to finish whatever it is I have to say. Give me a big hug. I said they all ran up to me to give me the biggest hug they could. Ah we're really gonna miss you Uncle Donald. Huey said. Aw. And I'm gonna miss you too. I said right after I had said that a taxi pulled up and out came Aunt Crystal and Uncle Scrooge. There's the old spendthrift now. Huey sais while looking over his shoulder then Uncle Scrooge throws something at the driver before they walk over here.

( Scrooge p.o.v. )

Donald you can't be serious about this crazy idea. There's no profit in it. I said once we reach them making Crystal roll her eyes at me. But I've already enlisted Uncle Scrooge I wanna see the world. Donald said. So I'll buy you a globe. I said causing Crystal to jab me in the ribs with her elbow. Don't lesson to him Donald we're both very proud of you and don't worry we'll take care of the boys. Crystal said. I know you two will now I gotta go. Donald said just before he got on the boat that will be taking to his ship we walk over to the edge of the dock. But what have we done to deserve being saddled with these... juveniles? I asked causing Crystal to hit me in the ribs again. Be nice! she hissed at me.  You two are the only ones that I trust Uncle Scrooge. Donald said while he waves us goodbye as the boat sails away. Lucky me. I said sarcastically sense I know Crystal is enjoying the idea of having the boys around. Lucky us. the boys said in sync just as sarcastic as I was.

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