Chapter two: The treasure of the golden sun wronguay in Ronguay

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( Chrissy p.o.v. )

I was in my bikini out by the pool getting a tan while watching as Scrooge clean the bottom of the pool with his sand sucker that is until it blows up causing him to come up to the surface. I just won't take that sand sucker on my treasure hunt. Scrooge said as he gets out of the pool and walks over to Duckworth for a towel so he can dry off. Oh? Then you still plan to go hunt for that sunken gold sir? Duckworth asked. Of course he is Duckworth do honestly think he got to be number one by backing away from a challenge? I asked. Exactly but first I've got to solve the mystery of the model ship. Scrooge said right after he says we hear the boys. Yah-hah! That's the answer! we hear from one of the boys from inside of the house so we leave the pool to go inside to see what the boys have found.

( Dewey p.o.v. )

I've figured it out there's no such word as gannaw ondat in Spanish. Huey said while Louie and I are looking on the boat that in the Study/ Library causing both Louie and I to look over to him as he came over to us with a book under his arm. So. I said while shrugging my shoulders. well if this name doesn't mean anything. Huey said while pointing at the bout. -then it must be a code. Huey finished explaining. Oh like the "a" equals a one. Louie said as he holds up a magnifying glass. Right. Huey said. Then the name really numbers. I said. Double right. Huey said. And latitude and longitude? Louie asked as he point some where on the globe. Triple right. And they lead to ...Huey said start to say as Louie turns back towards us. The gold! Louie said as he runs over towards us. We found the gold! as he jumps up and down but just as he had said that Uncle Scrooge in his swim suit comes barging in with Aunt Chrissy and Duckworth tight behind him. Where is it? Where is it? Uncle Scrooge asked/demands of us as he looks around. We get to go along? Louie asked. No. Uncle Scrooge said. You kids belong here with Duckworth and your Aunt Crystal. Uncle Scrooge said with his hand on his hip but when he says Duckworth and Aunt Chrissy's name he pats Duckworth on the belly. I'd rather be plucked sir. Duckworth said as he turns his head. We're not staying here we're coming with you and when I say we I mean the boys and I. Aunt Crystal said Uncle Scrooge turn towards her to argue but upon seeing here glare he change his mind. Now where is the treasure? Uncle Scrooge asked us again when he turned back towards us. Gee Uncle Scrooge we forgot. Huey said innocently as both Louie and I look innocent as Aunt Chrissy snickers at our innocent acted and Uncle Scrooges misfortune. Grr. Uncle Scrooge growls while he slaps his forehead but then he stops do to the door bell going off. Who's that? asked/demands as Duckworth went to answers the door.

( Scrooge p.o.v. )

Where's Scrooge? Glomgold asked/demined I heard from inside of the study so Chrissy and I opened the door to see who it is only to see that it's that no good Glomgold. Sorry no riffraff save by appointment. Duckworth said right after he said that Glomgold pushes Duckworth a side just as Chrissy and I had came out of the study. I see that you're still to cheap to send out your laundry. Glomgold said as he walks over towards Chrissy and I with a suitcase full of money in his hands. Ah you must be Mrs. McDuck that I've been hearing about it's a pleasure to finally meet you ma'am. Glomgold said as he pushes me aside takes hold of her hand. And may I say your just as beautiful as I was told you'll be. Glomgold said as he went to kiss her hand. Crystal and thank you I Mr. Glomgold. she said as she takes her hand back right before he could kiss it. What do you want Flintheart? I asked angrily as I get in between Glomgold and my wife. I want to by your messed up candy factory. Glomgold said as he walks over to a table to put down the suitcase. Sure just name the price double it and... Wait. I start to say as I was rubbing my hands together just thinking about how much I'll be making out of old Flinty that is until I thought of something. What do you want it for? I asked as I ran over to where he is. Oh about $ two million. Glomgold said as he opens the suitcase full of money. Deal. Huh! It'll cost you that munch just to clean it up. I said as I shack his hand. Ya always were a poor businessman Flinty. I said as I went over to the suitcase of money my money I then pick it up then I turned to look at him. Oh? Why I've got more money making ability in my pinky then you have in your whole soggy body. Glomgold said making Chrissy chuckle. You mean cheating ways and just to be knocked back down to number two where you belong. she said with an smirk on her face making me laugh. Not to mention not true the day I can't run golden rings around you I'll eat your stupid hat. I said while getting into his personal space causing him to back up a bitt. Why don't you put your money where your beak is? Glomgold asked while getting into my personal space causing me to back up a bitt. I triple dare ya. he yelled you're on. I said as he backs away from me What are the rules? I asked. Rules? No rules. Glomgold start to say as he puts his hands behind his back. Whoever make the most money from scratch in two weeks wins. he continues. Whoever loses eat my hat. he said as he touches his hat. Deal. I said. Two weeks then. Glomgold said as he leaves the house with Duckworth closing the door right behind him I then start to dance with Duckworth. With my treasure map I'll kill two birds with one stone. Find the treasure and win the bet. I said Not if you promise to take the kids and I with you to find it. Chrissy said with a smirk on her lips. Your right ahh my map. I said I then went back into my study where the boys and my map is with Chrissy right behind me. Boys you've got to tell me where the treasure is if you do I'll bring you three and your aunt Chrissy along just this once. I said while on my knees. Woodchuck honor? Dewey asked while he sits on top of the globe. Woodchucks honor. I said with my hands raised to make that promise. Pack your swim fins lads and lass we're going for sunken treasure. I said. Hooray! the boys cheered as Dewey slid of the globe. That's where we're going South America. Louie started to say while pointing to a spot on the map. The tiny country of Ranguay. Louie finished.

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