Chapter four: The Treasure of the Golden Suns: Cold Duck

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( Huey p.ov. )

We open up our door to our room with cooking pots getting ready to leave it so we can pull a prank on Mrs. Beakley and Webby. Shh be very very quiet we're hunting Beakley. Dewey said as we sneak out of our room with the tooning fork. Coming in rang. Dewy said as we got closer to the room their in we open it a bitt to peek inside. Enemy sighted. Louie said as we peek insided. What do you think Grammy? It's Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Webby said as she show her an drawling of us that she did. It's very uh colorful dear. Mrs. Beakley said as she was nitting a scarf or something.

But why don't you show it to the boys or even Mrs

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But why don't you show it to the boys or even Mrs. McDuck? Mrs. Beakley asked. Oh I Mrs. McDuck would like it she's nice but I know the boys would make fun they don't like me bothering them they think I'm a tagalong. Webby said

she got that right we wouldn't like it, we don't like her bothering us and we do think she a little tagalong. 'I can't wait for Aunt Chrissy's little brother to come so we can have another boy to play with.' I thought. Well I don't know if they like me ether but we'll give them some time but in the mean time why don't you go and show Mrs. McDuck the picur or if she need some help. Mrs. Beakley said as she continues to nit the scarf or whatever it is that she's nitting. Ready tuningforks. Dewey Louie said as he got it out from underneth his shirt as Dewey and I are busy laugh sighlently he hit the side of the wall. Tuningfork ready. Louie said as he then stick it in the keyhole so it'll cause the room to shake as if there an earthquake. Run! I yelled so that's what we did we ran back into our room. Oho Huey, Dewey Louie! We heard Mrs. Beakley yell so we slamd the door then blocked it with our bed.

You three are always causing trouble. Mrs. Beakley said from the outher sde of the door as she knocked on it. What Mrs. Beakley we didn't do anything. Dewey said with our hands on our hips. And what about this tuningfork? Mrs. Beakley asked angrly. Uh it's Uckworth's but can we have it back? Louie asked. How would you like it on you? Mrs Beakley asked as we sat down on the bed. She wouldn't? I asked but then the room started to shake. Vibaition alart. Dewey said as everything started to break. That's not the tuningfork. Louie started to say as he got up then went to the wendow to see just what is going on. That's Launchpad Mcquack! all three of us boys said insync as we all looked out of the window just as he had landed we then made a make shift ladder with our bed just as Webby came into our room. Quick that little tagalong is following us again. I said. Come on let's hide in the plane. Dewey said as he point to the plane so that's what we did we went to the plane. Hey wait for me. we heard as we were headed to the planes door closed.

( Mrs. Beakley p.o.v. )

I just came out with the scarf to give to Launchpad so he can give it to Mr. McDuck but when I got there I was too late the plne was about to take off. Wait Mr. McDuck will need this! I yelled. as I was waving the scarf in the air. Oh well. I said as I realized that I was too late he can't hear me over the engen but then I see my granddaughter. Webby! I yell just as Mrs. McDuck came out of the house. What's going on Mrs. Beakley? asked as she walking but then started to run when she noticed the franic look on my face. Webby is on the plane. Then that means the boys must be on that plane as well cause I don't think she would have went on the plane on her own. Mrs. McDuck said as she pushes the lounch chair uned the plane. Your right. I said as I got on the chair and start to bounce one bounce and I was able to reach the weel of the plane. Here give me your hand Mrs. McDuck and I'll pull you up. I said

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