Chapter five: The Treasure of the Golden Suns:Too Much of a Gold Thing

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( Scrooge p.o.v. )

We are fly to the vally of the golden suns where my treasure is waiting for me to arrive and claim it. Calm down Uncle Scooge we'll be at the Quackawacka River in no time. Louie said as I continue to pace. We better be! After all the trouble I've gone though I Scooge McDuck deserve this treasure! I said as I'm just iching to get my hands on it literally. Wow I've never seen him like this before. Huey said. I'm afraid children that Mr. McDuck in the clutches of Gold Fever. Mrs. Beakly said as she picks up Webby. Gold Fever! What's that? Dewey asked. It's when you crave for gold so bad not only you forget what's important but you literally iching for it. Chrissy said as I walk up to cock pit where Luanchpad is flying the plane. Well Launchpad? I asked. Well according to this we land just those falls. Launchpad said as he hold up the map I take it out of his hands to take a look myself. Hurry I want that gold. I said as I then used my cane to push up on the lever to speed up the plane causing it to go a whole lot faster then it was.  No! we both yelled as I went flying backwards right into the wall I lost my cane as well and Launchpad landed right next to me on the wall Launchpad the got up picked up my cane so he can try to use it to pull down the lever to slow us down again. It's stuck! Launchpad yelled.

Hey I got it! Launchpad said as he was able to pull it back so now the plane is finally slowing down again but it was too late we've begin to land in the water just abouve the falls as we skide to a stop just the children, Mrs. Beakly and Chrissy came running in. Uncle Scrooge what happened? Webby asked. Oh uh Launchpad's seat broke that's all. I said. Seat broke, my tail fin. Launchpad said sarcastically just then we started to rock a bitt which caused Launchpad's seat to fall backwards as Dewey looked out of the window. We're caught in the current! Dewey said. Looks like your runway is running away with us, get us back into the sky. I ordered. When the goning gets tough the harder they fall. Launchpad said as he was pushing some buttens. Oh no help, help!  we all were screamed as we continue to drift down the current. Where's our take off Mcquack? I asked. I'll restart the engines. Launchpad said as he continue to mess with buttens levers. We don't have time look! Louie yelled pointing out an waterfall Get this plane off the ground. I ordered. It's a no go Mr. McD. Instead of up and if we can't go up We'll just go down. Launchpad said as he pull on a lever that opened up the back and the front that let in water that caused us to cought onto the waterfall. The plane is sinking! Mrs. Beakly yelped in a panic.

Are you sure you two and the children want to come along? I asked as we all get aboard the raft. We're sure Scrooge an archaeological discovery will be vary educational and dryer. Chrissy said while she wasglaring at me for what ever the reason. Ok Launchpad get this plane floating again when I shoot a flare up you come running. I said. I'll get there lickty-toot. Launchpad said with an salute. Well don't just sit there paddle! My treasure's upstream. I ordered Aye,aye captain greed. Louie said as we all did as we were told well the boys did and started to paddle. Stroke...I ordered as I stood at the front and away from Chrissy who looks like she'll push me overboard. Faster, stroke...I ordered until we hit something. I don't have time for detours. I said as I hit whatever it is that's blocking our way it turns out to be a Alligater. Aah! Yikes! the boys yelled It's an Alligater! Mrs. Beakly yelped. Chew on this fish breath. I said as I place a paddle into his mouth he tried to get it out of his mouth but couldn't so he went away. That'll hold that luggage factory reject. I said. But what about him. Mrs. Beakly said pointing to another one. And him. Webby said pointing to another one And him. Heuy said pointing to another one.  I don't think we have enough paddles uncle Scrooge. Dewey said.

This is all your fault Mr. Mcduck do something! Mrs. Beakly said. Your right Beakly I'm going to do something. I said as I pulled out an knife the walk up to the end of raft plunge my knif into it causing us to go soaring through the air. Wow some ride uncle Scrooge. Huey said from were he sat in the water. I'm sorry I doudted you Mr. McDuck. Mrs. Beakly said as she helps me up. Forget that let's get my gold. I said as I start to ich myself. Uncle Scrooge look here! I heared Dewey say so I turned towards him. An ancient pathway heading for the vally. Dewey said. Well what are we waiting for? I asked as I started to walk down the path. Hey Dewey does this road seem strange to you? Huey asked after a few minute of walking. Yeah not burger place anywhere. Dewey said causing a giggle out of Chrissy which caused me to smile a small smile. No if this valley supposed to be a secret then why's there a road to it? Huey asked.  Right unless it's--Louie started to say. A trap all three boys and Chrissy said Uncle Scrooge wait! all three boys yelled as they ran after me but they were too late I had already stepped on the butten that set off the trap.  Look out! Chrissy yelled as she pushed me out of the way of two half's of a tree trunck coming from eather side.  I knew those were there all along. I said as I looked over my shoulder to look at her.

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