We Have Chemistry

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           Getting high with Eddie Munson had not been on her to-do list that night. Never in a million years would she have thought of this scenario, but here it was and she was living in it. He showed her what to do, his hands guiding hers when it came to the rolling. She felt like such a rebel, never would she and Travis have done something like this. Then she remembered what Jackie said he had done tonight, and thus, she pushed him from her mind.

In between puffs, she drank her beer, and in between that she got nosey around the trailer. Her interests were piqued by his music collection and she put on a record she recognised.

"That's not mine," he said.

"I figured," she replied. "So who's the Elton John fan, your uncle?"

"Must have picked it up for free somewhere."

"Must have." She hummed along in time to Elton singing Your Song, swaying gently, occasionally drinking from her bottle.

"Did this have to be your choice?"

"My apologies, next time you may choose." She smiled, drunkenly moving in time to the music.

He let it play until the second verse. "Ok, that's enough, Elton," he said jumping up from the couch.

"Hey!" she cried when the music stopped, "I was enjoying that!"

He ignored her and put on something different. "Proper music."

She was about to pass judgement until the song started to play and she realised she knew it. But she couldn't think why. It did not sound like her sort of music, it wasn't her mother's or father's either. "I know this," she said.

"You do?" he said, clapping his hands together. "You know it!"

"I do know it!" Why do I know it? And then it clicked. "I heard you play it. Tuesday. With your band."

He grinned. "I'm impressed, I wasn't sure if you were actually paying attention."

"How could I not? You were great, amazing actually."

"You thought so?"

She nodded. "I wish I'd been able to hear more."

"Maybe I'll play for you some time, if you like."

"My own personal concert? I'd love that!" She slumped back onto the couch, bringing the bottle to her mouth. It was nearly empty

"I never had you down as a metal fan," he said, going to the fridge to retrieve another two beers.

Me neither, it's a new discovery. "There's a lot you don't know about me." She took one of the bottles from him and smiled when he sat down beside her.

"My, my, the princess actually has taste. I am surprised."

She scoffed. "I'll have you know I have great taste."

"Not in men."

Touché. "Well I'm hanging out with you right now, so what does that tell you?"

"It tells me you were so lonely and desperate for company away from the party that you took whatever you could get. And while I am flattered it got to be me, I do know I would not have been your first choice - or second, or third, or fourth-"

"That's where you're wrong, I was actually enjoying the peace outside. I like being alone sometimes. But, I'm glad someone showed up to take me away. And I'm glad it was you. You're cool."

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