Yotag helps my poor, tortured soul

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While walking home, the only sound that Yotag could hear was the crunching of leaves under her shoes. It wasn't fairly loud but it didn't matter, the noise in Mitchika's head made it loud enough All she could think about was how sad her life was. First her brother ran away, then her friends left her, and lastly she embarrassed herself in front of her crush. What horrible thing could she have POSSIBLY done to deserve this. Maybe how she cussed out a few strangers once but that was way less bad for the strangers then for how she feels. She must just be unlucky. No goddess like her should have a thing like this happen to themself. Suddenly, she's brought out of her deep thoughts.

"Mitchika, hey!," she heard from the distance. It was a male's voice, kind and sweet. The sound of it always made her heart flutter. It must have been the boy she loves, Yotag. She was always so excited when she saw him but right now, she just felt anxious seeing him. Mitchika, though already perfect, plays it up even more when she sees him but now, she saw her make a mistake for the first time. She wanted to cry but being the bad bitch she was, she played it off cool.

"Oh h-hi Yotag. Sorry about earlier. I just made a mistake OwO," Mitchika said, sounding much more cheery then she was, "I know you don't see me make a lot of them but I did now. It's pretty rare for someone to knock on my door after all. It's so uncommon I thought someone was breaking down the door, not knocking". Looking at Yotag, she thought that maybe, just maybe, he was believing she wasn't anxious

"You don't need to apologize about that. That's even happened to me before. One time, my grandma came to visit, thinking my parents were still alive, and I made my siblings hide in the corner," Yotag chuckled, thinking back to past, somewhat embarrassing memories. This laught was always one that made Mitchika's heart skip a beat, like right now. However, it sunk at what he said next, "But I want to talk to you about something more important, Mitchika. Can we do it inside?"

"Like totally. Come on lol," Mitchika said, secretly nervous inside. Had that bitch, Kuro told him about their argument, or was it that dumb ass, Kinjsuki. She had no clue who but one of them was dead. They knew to keep him out of any arguments with her because like, it was maybe, just slightly, embarrassing for even a goddess like her.

Following Mitchika, Yotag went inside her house for her. She had now wished she had cleaned up because in the living room, there's a spoon on the floor, the ice cream is on the ground along with a blanket, and the trash TV was still playing. Before Yotag could say anything, Mitchika immediately blurted, "Let me go clean that up. Give me a minute, sowwy UwU".

Yotag nodded and responded with, "Oh okay. I can help you if you want though!"

"No no, this is my mess. I already know you have to clean a lot at home," Mitchika said frantically heading to the closet to get a mop.

Out of her eye sight, Mitchika heard Yotag say under his breath, "No kidding". Mitchika knew that it must be absolutely exhausting to have to take care of all 10 of his siblings along with his grandma at home. But on the inside, she did envy him. At least he had someone to talk to. She had, she had, she had no one... but Mitchika wasn't going to let that get her down! She's a girl boss, how could she let this get her down! She WILL find her family and she WILL regain her friends by forcing them to apologize!

Now having her spirits lifted, Mitchika walks back over to Yotag and starts cleaning up the ice cream. However, while doing so, she asks a question, "So, since you walked like, literally 5 miles, who's watching your siblings UwU?"

"Oh my little sister, Yua is. She's 14 so I think she's responsible enough to watch them for an hour, though I got to admit, I am kind of worried. At least Grandma can help..."

Hearing this, Mitchika was kind of confused. "Wait why, Yua seems responsible enough?"

"Yeah, I know, but in this crazy world it seems like anything can happen," at this statement, Mitchika though like us falling in love? , though she knew what he meant. When she heard his parents died, she was in shock. They had luck from Utsuro and he wasn't dead from their knowledge. He even looked into but strangely enough, when the 79th class started attending Hope's Peak, he just... disappeared. No one knew what happened. Even to this day, they don't know what happened.

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