A quirky misunderstanding :P

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Mitchika's heart had been like broken... absolutely broken. How could it be together after all of that? Her life felt over! Her friends were mad at her, her family disappeared, MITCH was gone. She felt so, so depressed. Because of that, she decided she needed to do her regular  way of coping. Eating ice cream and watching trash TV. And that's where our amazing main character was now. She was eating mint and chip ice cream while watching "Keeping up with Mitch's Neighbors". This show always brought back good memories of her and Mitch watching it and making fun of the people on TV. But her pain right now was so unbelievably strong that it wasn't helping too much.

"Oh woes me, my life is so hard. Why is everyone so like, mean to me?", she said out load to herself. Don't ask why she said it out load, she just did. While doing so, she had a thought, "What if I'm like, in the wrong?" But she knew, she just knew, that she was in the right. Sure, they were struggling too but SHE was struggling the most. Her family was gone and sure, they lost their siblings, but her life was the hardest. Sure, Makori was running for her life, by herself, likely feeling extremely lonely and scare. Sure, Kuro was isolated by herself many miles deep under ground, spending almost all day just researching the remnants of despair. Sure, Kinjsuki had to take care of like, 100 orphans and other survivors. But this definitely was not an excuse for Makori to just ignore her, for Kuro to be so harsh to her, for Kinjsuki to try to run her off whenever they talked. The three of them acted kind to each other but not to her, which made her the victim and was struggling the most. Yeah, that's right, Mitchika's the victim and everyone's just being too harsh to her for being a little rude occasionally!

While in deep thought since she is like, a philosopher, she heard a sound on the door. That never happens! Her mind started to race. "OMG! It must be a remnant of despair! Bitchika brought them to kill me. I had suspicion that this would happen when she said that the Remnants of Despair will come to kill me but I didn't think the world ended yet! I have to find a way to escape." So, using her big brain bad ass bitch logic, she ran upstairs to the window and decided to jump out of it. However, she probably should have looked out before she jumped out, on the bush. "OMFG! MY BODY HURTS LIKE SO MUCH!" Mitchika didn't realize it before but she jumped... ON A THORNBUSH! Mitchika couldn't believe how stupid she was for doing that but then she remembered, even geniuses like her make mistakes. Even mistakes that could kill her because after that, she screamed "OWWWWW" due to the pain of the thornbush. It felt like a ton of needles all of her body. It hurt so bad! But she couldn't focus on that because after that, she heard the crunching of leaves. Oh shit, she thought to herself. It was the remnant of despair... she couldn't stay there! If she did, she'd die! So, even with all of the pain all over her body, she jumped out of the bush and ran.

Before, let's get a scene of where Mitchika jumped out the window onto the thorn bush. This was on the back of the house while the remnants were in the front. When they heard her cries of extreme agony and pain after feeling the most pain in the world, they walked on the side of the house. Hearing this, Mitchika ran to the woods of the back of the house. If you run for 100 miles, you could arrive to another town. This is currently Mitchika's plan and she thinks she will totes succeed. She is a goddess so she can obviously run faster and longer than a remnant of despair like Akane Owari. So, because of her current goal, she is currently running. She doesn't know how long but she's assumed it's been like, 50 miles since it's been 10 minutes. Because it's been such a long distance though and she see's no one behind her, she decides to take a little break.

"Omg, that sure was a run," she thought to herself as she was wheezing and gasping for her. She was like, so tired after that 50 mile run but she can say she was proud of herself. There was no way the remnants of despair could catch her at her superhuman speed. But... she did have to admit she felt a bit worried. What if they saw her? She knew she could defend herself if she had to but, she didn't feel that comfortable standing in the open. Because of this, she decided to hide in a bush but... just when she hid herself... she heard a ringing. "Shit," she thought to herself. She must have accidentally brought her phone. They must have called her to find where she's hiding! Mitchika now knew that her fate was imminent but maybe, just maybe, if she turned off the phone, they wouldn't find her (even with Ibuki's superhuman hearing). So, she got her phone out of her pocket and declined the call. Well, that's what she was going to do at least. But when she saw that the name was Yotag, it all fit together.

"Hello?," she asked when she answered the phone.

"Mitchika, what just happened? I knocked on your door and next thing I know, you're running from a rose bush into the woods. If you didn't want to talk, you could have just told me," Yotag responded with a confused tone.

Mitchika felt so stupid, but as she reminded herself earlier, even geniuses make mistakes. "U-um I-um, I thought you were a remnant of despair..."

"Of course you did," Yotag muttered under his breath, "If I was a remnant of despair, why would I knock on your door..."

Embarrassed, Mitchika admitted, "I thought you were trying to kick it down..."

"Mitchika, the world hasn't ended, why would Bitchika's note apply yet?," a dumbfounded Yotag asked.

"That's what confused me too..."

"Okay, just come back, we need to chat," Yotag replied and proceeded to hang up.

Mitchika was so mad at herself at that moment. She just embarrassed herself in front of her crush! While cringing at her actions though, she thought of something. Why would he come over at a time like this. He has to take care of his siblings 5 miles away. He rarely visits because of that! So, for him to come at a time like this... one of her "friends" got Yotag of all people involved in this conflict. At that moment she realized that she was 100% not in the wrong.

(Note: Just to clear up any confusion, Mitchika is the wrong and we will learn like, a bit more later but until then, Mitchika will say that she's the victim)

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