Viva Las Vengeance

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"Hey babe! What have you been up to?" Awsten asks coming by with Flowers in his hand and a cake.

"Eh nothing. Besides Dad asking me if I'm fine every 5 minutes" I tell Awsten.

"Well I mean you did fall down the stairs again" Brendon says.

"Well it's not like I asked to fall down it again" I grunted.

"How come you didn't tell me" Awsten says taking in the situation.

"Because I'm fine" I say shrugging.

"That's what she said" Conan says. I sit up and smack Conan in the back of his head.

"Anyways your mom and I are going to the store, so be right back, no more chaos"Brendon says grabbing his keys and leaving.

"No guarantee" I mumble.

"So I'm gonna go decorate the back" I say getting up quickly. I feel faint and loses my balance, but Awsten catches me in his arms.

"Umm that's a no. You're sitting here missy" He says setting me back down on the couch.

"Why.. I just got up too fast" I say pushing him away and getting up once again.

I get up and stand up slowly, grabbing hold of my balance. I wobble for a bit but I still continue to stand up.

"See I told you I got this" I say standing up and putting my hands up in the air. I slowly grab a hold of my crutches.

"Nope. If you want to prove it to me, no crutches" Awsten says taking my crutches from out of my reach. I groaned and took little baby steps.

"Ughh this is gonna take me forever to get the decorations and go to the back now" I whined.

"Yea but this is a scenario where you don't have any support or nothing so if you wanna prove yourself to me you can do it then go ahead" Awsten says giving me a kiss on the lips and scooting over and letting me walk into the supply closet.

About 5 minutes later I reach the supply closet.
"CONEHEAD!!" I shout.

"WHAT!!" I hear him rushing over. "Grab all the stuff from the top shelf and help me walk to the back" I demand him.

"But Awsten said-" Conan says but is stopped with me covering his mouth.

"If you wanna see this party later you better help me or else I swear to god Conan you'll never see the end of this" I tell him letting go of him. I shove a $20 bill into his side pocket.

"Did you just give me hush money?" Conan asks.

"Duhh" I say, thumping his forehead. Conan tries to get me back but I scooted back and with my socks on, on the tiled floors I slip and landed on my butt.

"Are you okay?" Conan questions me as he sets the stuff on the counter and comes over to me and helps me stand up.

"Yea I'm fine and get me and this outside now will ya" I demand him again.

I hop onto Conan's back and he piggybacks me onto the back and sets me down on the furniture outside and he sets the decor on the table and helps me go through it.

We finally came home after grocery shopping. I start to set up some snacks in the snack bowl.

I take a look around the house and see yellow golden streamers decorated around the walls and door ways.

"EMMY" I shouted.

"I'm here at your service" EMMY says coming over and taking some chips out of the snack bowl I just filled.

"1. Nice job with the decor and 2 I thought I told you to relax and take it slow" I tell her.

"Well you see. I have Conehead here to help me out so props to him" Emmy tells me while stuffing her face with chips.

"Well imma stop you there missy, because knowing you. You'll get a stomachache" I tell Emmy while moving the bowl away from her reach.

"So what have you've been up to besides this?" I question her.

"Nothing much. Awsten gave me a challenge to go around walking and balancing without my crutches or any help" she explains to me.

"Ahh that's good and how is it going?" I question her leaning onto my elbows.

"Umm it's been alright. Very tiring to walk around now and I did fall on my butt once when I lost balance" she says looking into my eyes.

"Well it's gonna be like that until you get used to it. Remember how I was... anyways please be careful and don't get yourself into too much trouble now" I say to her ending the conversation and walking away  to keep Elijah company while he destroys the living room.

Guests have been arriving. They've been congratulating me on my success and coming back to music after a few years due to the accident of course.

Everyone watched the music video surrounded by my family and I in the living room and they enjoyed it. The look on their face was awesome.

It was something new to me. Sarah gives me a kiss and gets up to go check on Elijah. I get up and make my way to back to get a drink.

I see Emmy talking to Awsten and Conan. Pete comes over and gives me a hug and tells me how proud he is. Next thing I know I was pushed into the pool near me and not only that ran into some people nearby and fell in as well.

As I pop my head out of the water I look around and saw that it was Awsten, and Conan I knocked into the water. We look around and laugh. I look to the side of the pool and don't spot Emmy.

"Where's Emmy?" I asked concerned. As I look around.

Awsten looks around and starts to panic. Conan dived into the pool.

He comes up for air and shouts for help.

"What's the matter?" I ask him. "It's Emmy" he says. I wipe the water off my face and follow him. At the bottom of the pool was where Emmy was. She looked unconscious.

I dive deep down with Awsten as we pushed her up for air. As I pull her up she isn't breathing nor is she conscious.

"Fuck" I shout as I climb onto the side of the pool and help Awsten pull her up.

"Babe? Babe can you hear me" Awsten pleads. He shakes her and still nothing.

Conan runs over and place a thick towel beneath her head. That's when I started to do CPR and mouth to mouth on her.

Eventually she spits out water and starts choking. We turn her to the side and rub her back as she gets her breath and coughs all the water out.

Awsten grabs a towel near by and wraps her in it. He picks her up and take her to her room where we follow. Sarah goes in there to check on her. She helps her change out of her clothes into dry clothes. Finally Emmy starts to rest and closes her eyes.

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