Chapter 11 A Chance

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Ruby opens her eyes and knows she's looking at Scott's chest. They're curled up with one another. She goes to move, but Scott holds her in place. "Scott-"

"Shh... the long we're here the less we're with Tyler."

Ruby gives in. Scott makes a compelling argument. Scott moves his hand and absentmindedly plays with her hair. "What time is it?" Ruby asks.

"I don't know, but the sun is up."

She closes her eyes. She could easily fall back asleep. It's moments like these that she savors. She's comfortable, not near Tyler, and Scott playing with her hair is putting her asleep.

They both hear footsteps coming downstairs. "Act asleep, maybe we'll be left alone," Scott whispers.

They don't have time to move, so they close their eyes and hope for the best. The door opens and Tyler walks in. He pauses looking at the two. They look cute and he wonders if they would have ended up together on their own.

He shakes his head and walks over to shake Scott awake. "Get up."

"What? Why?" he asks, rolling over.

"You too Ruby. You've both gotten plenty of sleep."

Ruby groans. "Don't complain." Tyler snaps.

The two get up and follow him upstairs. "Eat quickly. You're coming with me?" Tyler tells Scott.

"Where are we going?"

"To check on the house. Ruby, you'll stay here with Andrew." She nods, sitting down at the table. "What have I told you about using your words?"

"I understand." She tells him He's pissed off and the last thing she wants to be is on the receiving end.

They all eat and Tyler and Scott leave. "Someone has a stick up their ass," Andrew says as he and Ruby sit in the living room.

She tries to come up with an answer to make him happy, but not outright insult Tyler, which could get her in trouble. "Ruby, relax," Andrew tells her. "It's okay, you don't have to answer me."

She nods and brings her knees up to her chest. She focuses on the T.V. Andrew focuses on her. The longer this goes on the guiltier he feels. He was fine when their lives weren't in danger, but last night.

"Ruby, do you feel safe?"

She lets out a short laugh. "Do I feel safe? Why would I feel safe? I've been kidnapped by a man, kept in his house with another guy. Oh, and there's another man that's around a lot. Not to mention, I might freeze to death."

"Wow, that attitude went zero to 100 real quick," Andrew says, trying to tease her, but it comes out sounding serious. He watches her shut down, curling into herself even more. "No, Ruby. That came out wrong. I'm not mad or upset, I promise."

She hears him, and understands, but doesn't move. He sighs. "Sorry, Ruby."

They settle into a decently comfortable silence.

As time goes on, Ruby slowly uncurls and relaxes as they watch T.V.


Andrew eventually gets up and coaxes her into the kitchen to eat. He sets a sandwich down in front of her. She stares at it and Andrew sighs. "I can't let you get up until you eat that."

She nods. "I- I know."

He sits down across from her. She picks up the sandwiches and takes a bite. "What's been up with you?" he asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Tyler says you haven't been wanting to eat for the past month."

She shrugs. "I don't know."

"Just not hungry or something?"

"I guess. I don't have a real reason. I've been blaming it on stress."

"What you explained before?"

"Yeah," Ruby says before taking another bite.

As she takes her last bite. Scott and Tyler walk through the door. "How'd it go?" Andrew asks.

"Fine," Tyler says. "The house is in one piece. Very cold."

"The power still out?"

"Yeah," he says. "It should be back on in a day or two."

Andrew nods. "Good. Do you two need lunch?"

"No, we went to McDonald's. Scott knew better than to do anything."

Scott and Ruby make eye contact, but Scott quickly breaks it.

"Did she eat?"

"Yeah. She just finished up."

"Good. I brought clothes so you can shower and change."

"Okay," Ruby says getting up. Tyler hands her the clothes and she goes off to the bathroom.

"Was she problematic?" Tyler asks.

"Is she ever? She speaks when spoken to and does what she is told."

"She's pretty easy. Doesn't fight much."

Scott bites his tongue and sits on the couch. The more time he spends with Ruby, the more she turns into a shell of what she used to be, or at least how he saw her. She responds to her fear by shutting down. Scott is less afraid and stands up to him more.

The other two come and sit down. Scott hadn't ever had an issue with Andrew. Now he did. He was nicer than Tyler, but Tyler has more to lose if something happens and they all know it.

Ruby comes back, her hair wet, and sits down on the opposite side of the couch of Scott. She leans against the arm of the couch and brings her feet up. She closes her eyes and listens to whatever they're watching.

Scott's eyes also start to close more out of boredom than being tired. They both open their eyes when they feel a hand over their mouths. Ruby brings her hands to grab the hand before opening her eyes.

They both look to see Tyler covering their mouths. "Shh..." he says. "Make a sound and it's not going to be a fun time. Understand?"

Both nod the best they can. "Good." He whispers.

They hear Andrew answer the door. They all listen as Andrew talks to the person at the door. They eventually leave and Andrew walks back in.

"We good?" Tyler asks.

"Yeah, they're driving down the driveway now."

"Who was it?"

"The neighbor making sure I'm okay. Just being nice."

Tyler nods as he gets up. "Okay good, so they shouldn't be back then?"

"No, they shouldn't be. Nice people."

Ruby looks down at Scott who had somehow ended up with his head in her lap. She must have fallen asleep since she didn't notice. Scott sits up and sees the tail lights exiting the driveway. He realizes that could have been a way out.

"Stop Scott."

"What?" he asks looking at his brother.

"I would have shot them before letting you go."

Scott frowns and Ruby closes her eyes. Neither of them wants to think about that.

"Anyway both of you need to get up or you're not going to sleep tonight. Ruby, you can help Andrew with supper. Scott, you can go shower and change."

They both look at each other before doing as their told. They're both nervous.

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