Chapter 1

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Ruby sighs as she sits down in English class. It's the last class of the day other than homeroom.

Her table partner Scott comes in and sits down in his spot. "Did you get the homework done?" he asks.

Ruby rolls her eyes. "When don't I do the homework?" she asks sliding it to the middle of the table.

"Thanks, you're the best." When he's done copying the homework Ruby takes it back. The only reason she lets him copy is because they use to be best friends, and she misses the friendship.

The teacher walks in and begins the class. She starts by having everyone hand in their homework. Scott sighs, but scribbles his name on the top of the paper. Some point are better than none, that's what he's always been told.

He would have done it the night before, but his parents and older brother were arguing the night before. That normally wouldn't have bothered him, but it was about him. He normally wouldn't let that go, but he knows that his brother is a lot stronger than him, so if it go physical, his brother would win. It all ended with his brother, Tyler, driving off and Scott going to bed, Not a good night.

He focuses in on the teacher. He needs to pay attention. He can't really afford to not pay attention and rely on Ruby for the whole class, but she is the reason that he is currently passing.

"Today we'll be starting our unit in realism. If you open up your book to..." Scott zones out. English isn't his strong suit.

Ruby on the other hand isn't fulling into the lesson, but she is able to pay attention. As the lesson goes on fewer and fewer people are still paying attention. With about 20 minutes left in class everyone is working on their class work. Well, they're all 'working' on it. Most people are on their phones with the work sheets sitting on the table in front of them.

This includes Scott. He's scrolling through intagram. Ruby on the other hand is done with the homework.

They're all taken by surprised when the door opens and a guy in a mask with a gun comes in. "I want everyone's phones on the table." He says. As everyone does what they are told, Scott eyes go wide, that sounds like his brother.

No one says a word as he moves closer to the class. He scans over all the tables for phones. He's not happy to see Scott's missing. "Get up." He says walking over to Scott.


"I won't repeat myself." Scott stands up. "Give me your phone. He tells me.

"Why?" Scott ask. Everyone looks at him like he's crazy, but he knows that it's Tyler.

"Give it to me." He says making the gun very apparent.

"Fine." Scott says reaching into the pocket of the sweatshirt and hands it to him.

"Good." He says pushing Scott back into his chair, and puts his phone in his pocket.

He steps around Scott to behind Ruby. He puts his hand on her should, causing her to tense up. "Been a while, hasn't it Ruby?" He asks. Between his hands on her shoulders, and everyone looking at her, makes her uncomfortable. He can tell and squeezes her shoulders. All she can do is cringe.

"Leave her alone." Scott tells him.

He chuckles a bit and reaches in between them and grab's Ruby's phone. "Get up." He tells Scott.

Scott does as he's told once. Tyler removes his hands from Ruby's shoulders. "You to." He tells her. Ruby slowly gets up and goes and stands next to Scott.

Tyler smirks. "You've all been so good, so I won't hurt you." He says walking towards Ruby and Scott.

"I can't let you-" the teacher is cut off by Tyler shooting her in the foot.

Ruby gasps, but is pushed out of the room with Scott before anything else can happen.

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