Chapter 10 Snow Days

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A month later Ruby and Scott sit in the living room. Scott looking mindlessly looking at the TV while Ruby watches snowfall.

"It's snowing." She says.

Scott looks out the window. "Yeah, it is."

Tyler walks in and looks between the two. "What are you doing."

"Talking about the snow," Scott tells him, going back to looking at the TV.

"Go down to your rooms." He tells them.

"Why?" Scott asks as Ruby turns off the TV.

"Because I said so. You've both been good this past month, don't ruin it."

Ruby get up and goes downstairs. Scott doesn't move. Tyler grabs his arm and pulls him up from the couch. "I said het your ass downstairs."

Ruby watches Tyler drag Scott downstairs. When they reach the bottom she moves into the doorway of her room as Tyler shoves Scott into his room and locks the door.

She turns and goes to her bed and sits down. "Good girl." She hears Tyler say before her door closes. She turns on the TV for background noise but continues to watch the snowfall.


A few hours later both teens are laying in bed, listening to their TVs when they both turn off. The lights quickly follow and they both realize that the power went out. Ruby looks outside to see that just snowing turned into a snowstorm. She knows that Tyler isn't back yet and they are locked in their rooms.

Scott doesn't know how long Tyler is going to be gone for or how long they are going to be in their rooms.

As the sun goes down it gets colder. It slowly gets colder in the house and both teens notice. Ruby doesn't move from her pile of blankets, not wanting to lose any of her warmth.

Scott only has his one blanket, sweatshirt, and sweatpants on. Both are concerned about what's going to happen if Tyler doesn't show up soon.

Ruby wasn't happy about being taken, but out of every day she had thought she might die, freezing to death wasn't one of them. She tries to reason with herself that she's overthinking, but she can't stop. She wondered about Scott and how he was doing.

Scott wonders if he has access to something to break the window, but doubts it. Neither of them has any other choice but to wait.


Andrew unlocks the front door and notices how cold the house is. He goes downstairs and unlocks Ruby's door. "Ruby?" he asks walking in.

She looks up. "Andrew?"

"Yeah, it's me, come on, get up, can you do that?"

She nods and gets up. He puts a hand on her face. "You're cold, go upstairs and wait, okay?"

She nods again and follows him out of the room.

Andrew unlocks Scott's door and walks in. "Scott?" he walks over and shakes Scott until he opens his eyes.

"What's going on?" he asks looking at Andrew.

"Get up and go upstairs. It's too cold for you to stay here."

Scott gets up and follows Andrew upstairs. He stands by Ruby who is still wrapped up in a blanket. Andrew goes into Tyler's room and appears with a piece of paper and shoes for both teens. "Sit down, both of you."

They both do and Andrew types in the numbers so they come off. They put on their shoes and Andrew follows them out of the house. "Ruby in the front, Scott in the back." He tells them.

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