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Comp tech, my most dreaded subject of the day. It's literally just a filler class, but thanks to the teacher being my best friend Lou's father; me, Lou and Kenzi are able to sit next to each other. Comp tech teaches me nothing that I can't learn from Kenzi or Kenzi's Uncle George. I love Mr. Clark or...Darin as I know him, he's been a huge part of my life from family BBQ's to my 10th birthday, but the course he teaches. I hate.

"Okay class. Today we're going to start this sort of penpals thing but instead of writing letter's with pens and pencils and paper. We're going to be using your email," Mr. Clark announced and Kenzi's back straightened and her head popped up from her phone. Kenzi already had two penpals like Mr. Clark was describing and Mr. Clark knew this.

Kenzi had Elijah and Ryan. She met Elijah Dyke back when she was in the 6th Grade nearly 4 years ago when her cousin, Tyler, had her in a group call on Skype. Ryan came into the picture after Kenzi and Elijah's fling and never left. Kenzi learned to like Ryan but...I still think she hates him because he has what she can never get back. So really...Kenzi met Ryan when Elijah started dating him last year sometime.

"Are we going to draw names out of a hate to see who we get or something?" Lou asked with a smile in her voice and a smirk upon her face. Her father just rolled his eyes at his strange daughter. "But seriously dad, are we drawing names out of a hat? I'd hate to end up with some perverted 18 year old."

"Lou, no. I have everyone matched up already and I'll hand it out to you now," Mr. Clark clarified and passed out the sheets of paper. "Wyatt you got a guy named Brandon, Kenzi you have a guy named Elijah, Avery you have a guy naned Erik, Josh you got a girl named Max, and Lou you have a girl named Mandy. Julian you have a girl named Makenzie. Their email addressed are on the sheet along with their birthday's and where they're from."

Ha! Kenzi ends up with Elijah, someone she already knows. How cute? I can't believe I ended up with a guy that's named Erik...with a "k", he's probably some nerd who spends all his time looking at his ant collection or hitting on girls at the local mall hitting on girls who are way out of his league.

I scan over my sheet.

Erik Jackson Kepner

Age 16.

Born on June 16th.

From South Africa.

I sigh and open up my hotmail and click on the plus sign so I can send a email. I Open tha tup and I write the email address in and start.

Hi, I'm Avery Burke.

I'm 15 years of age soon to be 16 (2 months) and I'm in 10th Grade. I'm honestly only sending you this email because it's work half my grade from what the sheet of paper told me. I'm sorry for burdening you with my annoying pointless emails because, I assure you, you'll annoy me.

I you can say I'm a sucker for getting good grades because in my world it's all I like getting. Strive for greatness I guess you can say.

My favourite colors are black, blue and green. I'm into volleyball and I'm captain of the soccer team. I'm far from the girly type, you won't catch me in a dress unless it's a special occasion or a big church event like a wedding or confirmation that I greatfully got over with last year. I may get my best friend Kenzi - no it's not an abreviation for McKenzie that's her actual name - to curl my hair every once in a while.

The picture attached to this is what I look like. Brown eyes, brown hair and the plaid flanner. That's me.


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