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*Readers pov*

I drive the car as Joel gets some rest. I can hear him snore, Ellie being in the back presumably sleeping too.

I have my posture layed back, one hand on wheel.

The enivroment is just right, dark, very dark. Only the road to be seen, being there a glimps of a average infected.

Ellie: Cutter?

I didn't expect her being up this late.

You: What?

Ellie: Why aren't you asleep?

She says in her raspy, tired and cute voice.

You: I'm used to not sleeping. Now get to rest.

Ellie: Why?

She nags on, behind my right shoulder she rests her head on my back rest on the seat.

You: Whats it to you, Ellie?

She looks over at the sleeping Joel.

Ellie: I'm sorry...

Normally, I would just shut up and keep on driving. I'm not feeling normal, I guess.

You: For?

Ellie: Everything. Nagging you, bringing you down, having to deal with me-

You: You're just tired, Ellie, go to sleep...

Ellie: I know I don't mean anything to you, you're doing this for weapons. I am just a package for you, a mission.


I mean...Is she? I don't know. I can't become attached, it will just hurt.

Ellie: I'm just sorry.

Fuck, I'll miss her once I leave her at the drop point. Ah, it's just added pain to my heart.

You: Don't be. Nothing I can't handle.

Ellie: Mhm..

Her cheek is pressed against the seat.

You: I just don't get it.

Ellie: What?

I put a fag in my mouth as I struggle to reach for my pocket to light it. She reaches over and helps out, flicking it open and lighting it.

She was about to put it to my fag but closes it.

Ellie: Nu-uh. Those are bad for you.

You: Wow-

She takes it out my mouth and puts it back in my pack.

Ellie: How about skip one for the night?

You: Difference?

Ellie: None. There shouldn't be a problem.

You: Fine.

Ellie: Why do you even smoke?

You: Addicted, how else am I supposed to deal with stuff?

I ask rhetorically.

Ellie: What even happened?

You: What?

Ellie: What made you like this? Emotionless, negative, cruel, sad? Solo?

You: Many things.

I raise my bandanna.

You: Isn't fun being born into this...shit.

Ellie: Did you have a life before this?

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