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*Readers pov*

I wake up.

A good rest.

Once in a lifetime.

I see myself holding Ellie as she snores lightly. Her cute face is just unbearable.

She's cuddling me. What happened last night? No nightmares.

I sit up immediately from the blanket, sweat pouring down my face.

Joel is still asleep.

I look next to me to see Ellie wake up.

Ellie: Y/N?...

She says, sleepy.

You: I woke you up, I didn't mean to.

Ellie: Whats up?

She turns to me and sits up.

You: Nightmare.

She scoots over to me.

Ellie: Get under.

She raises her blanket

You: Ellie-

Ellie: Fine. Move over.

She joins our blankets and from under the blankets, she wraps her arms around me.

Ellie: Tell me what was the nightmare about.

You: I was tortured.

I say plainly.

Ellie: Do you feel better now?

I feel relaxed and tired.

You: Yeah, I can fall asleep again.

I put my arm around her head for her to rest on.

Ellie: Goodnight, Y/N.

You: Goodnight, Ellie.

Joel: Good Morning.

You: Hey.

I pull Ellie away as I stand up and put on my bandanna.

I sit opposite Joel. The orange sun is beautiful.

Joel: Sleep well?

He teases.

You: No nightmares.

Joel: Change of pace.

I look up at him, pouring myself some hot water.

You: Joel.

Joel: Yeah?

You: You are the best. I feel like nothing in the world would make me hate you.

Joel: Thanks, kid. You can always rely on me.

You: You didn't betray me. I appreciate that, at this job I would be shot as soon as I turn my back.

Joel: I never betrayed you...

You: I know.

Henry: Of course.

I turn around to the sudden voice.

Henry: It's family and all.

He smiles.

Henry: Goodmorning, kid.

You: Hey.

Henry: How was cuddling with your girlfriend?

I blush under the mask with anger.

You: She's not my girlfrie-

Henry: Oh, really? I guess she was riding on your motorbike quiet-

You: I will kill you.

He stops, putting up his arms in defence.

Henry: My bad, little man.

Joel: The soup looks fantastic.

We look over and he's stirring it. I take a bowl and pour myself some.

The girl starts waking up.

Shes trying to feel my side of the sleeping area.


She looks around and sees us

Henry: Your cuddling boyfriend is over here.

You: Fuck off...

She begins blushing madly.

Ellie: S-Stop, dude.

She stands up.

Ellie: Smells delicious. Where's Sam?

Henry: I let him sleep in, for once.

Ellie: Oh.

Henry: Well if you join us can you wake his ass up?

Ellie: Okay.

She leaves.

Henry: Thank you for protecting my brother in the sewer, Cutter. I don't know how I can live without him.

You: Same with me and these 2. Thanks for protecting Ellie, I think she grew on me a bit.

Henry: Sure did.

We dap eachother up for a truce.

Ellie: SAM!

The door bursts open with Sam trying to rip Ellie to shreds as she holds him back.

He screeches in infected tongue.

Henry: Sam!

Joel: Shit! He's turning!

I stand up but Henry pulls out his gun at Joel thats picked up his gun but dropped it because Henry shot out.

Henry: Thats my fucking brother!

His voice breaks.

Ellie: Sam!

She manages to shout in a high pitch due to the fear. Her struggling voice makes my heart break.

You: Ellie!

I run over, pulling him off Ellie as I hold him still on the floor.

Joel: Screw it.

He runs to fumble around and get his gun but Henry shoots out with the gun pointing towards me. I expected a bullet in me but Sam lays still and dead.

Ellie: Shit...

Joel: Ellie, Ellie, are you alright?

Ellie: Uh-Uh...Oh, my God.

Henry:...Sam? Oh, no...Sam...

His heart is broken.

Joel: Oh, shit...Henry.

He moves closer to Henry.

Henry: Henry...What have you done?

He cries.

Joel: I will get that gun off you, okay?

Henry: Sa- Sa- Sa- Sam...

He points it at Joel who raises his arms.

Henry: It's all your fault.

Joel: This is nobody's fault, Henry.

Henry: This is all your fault!

Joel: Henry...Henry, no...

He points the gun to his head and shoots as he drops down immediately. The shot startled them both.

Ellie: Oh, my God...

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