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*Readers pov*

Basically, we went to this house that Bill lead us to. What's here? Fuck, knows.

Ellie: Cutter!

I roll my eyes as I leave Joel and Bills argument to Ellie who's in the garage.

She's sitting in a car.

Ellie: Think it got juice?

She jumps out and I jump in. I place my foot down on the gear pedal and rev the key. The car coughs out some rusty sounds.

Ellie: It got some juice!

I do it again, trying to start it.

Joel and Bill come in.

Joel: What's going on?

Ellie: The car got some juice.

Bill pops open the hood.

Bill: My battery...bastard...

You: I say she revs it, we push and clear infected.

Joel: Sounds about right.

Bill: All you're gonna get for a plan B.

Me and Joel get behind the car as she hops in and closes the door. Bill opens the sliding doors and joins us in the back.

Joel: Cutter...about the thing at the school-

You: It's whatever.

Joel: I know it's not.

You: Whatever.

Bill: Let's get to pushing.

We all push at once as it rolls out.

Bill: Come on!

Joel: Spark it!

The car coughs more but nothing happens as she makes a turn onto the road from the street.

Bill: Perfect. Nice job, kid!

He says, frustrated and sarcastic.

Joel: Bill. Not helping. Ellie, we'll roll it down.

Ellie: Ok!

We get to pushing. From the left, a Runner came up where I smacked it on the head with Joel's spiked plank as it dies straight away.

You: I hear more.

I help in pushing.

More clickers and runners come out as I pull out my pistol and help shoot.

I continue to push with them after they cleared out left and right.

We push harder but more come out as I shoot out some and the 2 finish off the rest.

Bill: You really fucked me day up, you know that?

We continue and roll it down the curve.

It coughs for the last time as it revs up and starts. Beautiful sounds.

I quickly jump into the back and pull out Joel's shotgun and clear the infected that heard the rev.

Bill and Joel jump in the back too but I hop into the passenger seat.

Ellie speeds off.

Ellie: Nelly! We did that!

You: Finally.

I pull out a fag from my cig pack.

I put it in my mouth as I light the end with my lighter.

I breathe in the refreshment.

Smoke comes out my mouth and into my nose as I exhale.

Ellie: Disgusting...

She says, disgusted.

You: I know you are. Put your seatbelt on.

Ellie: Ha-ha.


Here I am, half-asleep.

I sit in the passenger seat as Joel is driving. He looks deader than me.

Ellie: Oh, man!

That jolts Joel up.

Joel: What happened to sleeping?

Ellie: Look, this here, is not a bad read. Only thing ends on a cliff-hanger.

Joel: Where'd you get that?

Ellie: At was just lying there!

Joel sighs.

Joel: What else did you get?

Ellie: Well...

She rummages through her bag and pulls out a cassette.

Ellie: Here. This'll make you feel nostalgic.

Joel: Y'know, that is actually before my time

He puts it in.

Joel: That is a winner though.

Weird music plays as if we were in the wild west.

Ellie: Oh! I'm sure 'your friend' will be missing this tonight.

We hear a magazine flip. I look back and see its a porno magazine.

You: Lord..

Ellie: Easy on readings but it's interesting on the photos.

Joel sees it.

Joel: Now, Ellie, that isn't for kids.

Ellie: Woah! How the hell would he even walk around with that thing?!

Joel tries snatching it.

Joel: Get rid of that-

Ellie snaps it away.

Ellie: Hold your horses, I wanna see what's all the fuss is about.

Joel gives up, unclear on what to do.

Ellie: Oh, why are all these stuck together?

Joel: Uhh...

She giggles.

Ellie: I'm just fucking with you.

She rolls down her window.

Ellie: Bye-Bye, dude.

She throws it out.

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