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During the next couple weeks I hung out with the guys a few more times but other than that my days were pretty normal. Sev would force me to eat every now and then. But I have to admit, I have eaten more by myself as well. I spent time in the library and dorms studying and reading. I was on time with all my assignments and prepared for exams.

I was feeling pretty good actually. It was a nice change to those crappy nights I used to cry myself to sleep. I also have had quidditch practices all semester and it has been motivating me with school even more. We have extra practice today since the annual tournament is coming closer.

Usually the matches start in the beginning of semester but someone wanted to change it up a bit. So this year every house plays against each other and then those two houses who gained the most points play the final game. So that means three matches for Slytherin and possibly the final.

I'm excited for today's practice because I'm feeling really energetic which is really unlike me. Also I have the exam in potions today and it's exhilarating to know that I'm going to get a full 100% or at least pretty damn close. I spent a lot of hours learning all the details, because I know Slughorn appreciates it.

I had an easy transfiguration class first in the morning. There was nothing really interesting going on, we just made basic vanishing spells. After the lesson I went straight to the potions class in order to go over my notes one more time. James was sitting at our table already even though the class won't begin in fifteen more minutes. I bet he had forgotten about the exam and is now desperately trying to memorise even something.

"Help me Reggie please I forgot all about the test," he started begging me when he saw me enter the classroom. And I was right of course. Typical.

I decided to be nice to him for once so I used the break to explain the most important things to him so he would have a slight possibility to pass the test. "You're a lifesaver! Thanks Baby Black," he said when other people came in the class as the lesson was about to begin. And we're back to Baby Black. Great.

Slughorn came in a little later than usual so he started speaking right when he stepped in. He told us to place everything else aside except a quill. He handed us the test papers and told us with a very depressing voice; "You have ten minutes, you may begin."

Ten minutes later he collected all our papers with a single swing of a wand. I was content about my answers and glanced at James next to me. He looked really desperate so I figured my little lesson didn't help him at all. I turned my head back to Slughorn just when he started speaking. "I will grade these papers right away and you will read and take notes from the next chapter, starting from page 237," he said and sat back down at his desk.

"How'd your test go?" I asked James teasingly and poked his arm with my quill. He was resting his head on the table and looking very pissed at me. He lifted his head andglared at me. 

"If a look could kill," I thought to myself.

I had zoned out while doing the work and got everything done without it feeling like work. That just sort of happens to me sometimes. I just fall into a zone, like a trance, and suddenly realise that I have done something for hours actually doing it. In my opinion that could happen a lot more often.

"Before you all run away from here, here are your tests back." He said and swinged his wand again to return the papers. Everyone else got theirs except me and James. "Mr. Potter and Mr. Black, could you stay here for a moment? The rest of you may leave," He instructed.

"Did you get us into more trouble?" I hissed at James when we packed our things. "Not that I know of," he whispered back and shoved the rest of his stuff in his bag. We waited until everyone was out of the class before walking up to Slughorn's table. "Here is your test back Regulus, great job," he said handing me a piece of paper. Full 100% without any marks. I showed it to James next to me and winked to annoy him a little more. He rolled his eyes at me. (I have to admit that was kind of hot.) "James, would you like your test back?" Slughorn asked. "If it's not necessary then no. I know I failed," he replied. "Yes you did. You got 7% correct."

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