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The next couple of weeks went by really quickly. I spent time two times a week with James in the astronomy tower and always found myself looking forward to those days. Usually we ended up spending the whole evening with each other just talking about our lives. I really enjoyed those nights and now I feel like I've known him my whole life. He is really the type of person who trusts blindly and ends up getting hurt for oversharing. That makes him easy to talk to.

I guess the first tutoring session really showed me what kind of person he is. After all, he had listened to me for a very long time and knew probably my darkest secrets but he didn't judge me at all. He carried me to the hospital wing after I fainted and stayed there the whole night just so I wouldn't have to wake up alone.

I woke up every single morning thinking about him and was happy on the days we had potions together. I (might) have caught some actual feelings for that guy.

Today was the day for the big practice match we all have been looking forward to for a long time. Our team captain, Emma, has been going mad for the past week because of it. She has been honing our strategy on the house cup for a very long time now and yelling at us for not helping. We have all been sort of tip-toeing around her because she's really stressed about all this, other than that she's a really great lad though.

I have played in the team for two years and neither of those years we haven't won the cup. So this year is really important to really step it up a notch, or Slytherin will lose its reputation completely. Emma has been all over me giving me orders and focusing mostly on my game. As the seeker of the team, I have the power of ending the game anytime I want, well if I catch the snitch but I wouldn't doubt that. Last Thursday she spent twenty minutes yelling at me for something, until one of our beaters pulled her aside and told her to get lost until she calmed down. I hope she'll be calmer today.

The time has finally come. Emma gathered us all on the field to go over her newest strategy for the game. We all thought it was the best one yet so we decided to go for it. My job as the seeker was to follow the game until the snitch catches my eye and to observe the opponent's strategy. I'm supposed to catch the snitch if we have more than hundred points and are ahead of the opponent, and also if we're too much behind but the snitch can give us the win. I really hope I won't blow it completely. I doubt it though, I work best under pressure.

There was still fifteen minutes until the start so I went over to Evan. I hardly knew the other members of the team at all, they were mostly the popular people and I never bothered talking to them, so I was content with his presence. I was really glad that Evan is on the team, he is the keeper and he's extremely good at it. "Nervous?" I asked when he was within hearing distance. "Why would I be nervous we're going to kick their ass my mate," he announced without a pinch of worry in his voice. I was just about to answer him when Emma yelled at us to get ready. "Control freak," Evan whispered under his breath as we headed towards her.

We walked to the centre of the pitch as a team to start the game. The whole walk Emma kept giving me more and more things to remember so eventually I would end up forgetting every single one of them. We stopped at the middle line where the professor was reading out the rules which I of course didn't listen to. Some particular person kept glancing over me when he thought I didn't see. I saw. I saw every stolen look he launched in my direction. One time I looked straight into his eyes when he turned to me again and mouthed; "What?" He shook his head a bit but stopped his staring. I laughed at his adorableness in my head. Why does he have to look so cute in those damn scarlet robes, his messy hair and those stupid glasses.

"So now that everyone is clear of the rules, we may begin! Ready!" the professor yelled and blew her whistle. I jumped from the voice and woke to the reality. I had no idea we were about to start the game. Everyone jumped on their brooms and flew off as I just stood there. Though everyone knows I am the seeker so they know I don't have to hurry. I took off the ground slowly while watching if the snitch was somewhere to be seen. It wasn't of course.

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