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Luckily I only had three lessons today so I had plenty of time to accomplish all my homework before quidditch and the party. My last lesson of the day was potions and with me sitting next to James there was not a chance to be able to concentrate even one bit. He kept sliding pieces of parchment over to my side of the table to explain their mischievous plan to keep Siri away from us while we set up the room. In my opinion the big plan was a little too simple to be made up by James. Remus would be babysitting him while we made everything ready. (I believe it will not be an issue for those two to get some alone time with each other. There's definitely way more between them than just a friendship. I'm just saying.) I was meant to show up to the Gryffindor common room at six in the evening.

I went to dinner with my mates after spending a few hours in the library to get up to speed in potions thanks to Potter. "Are you busy tonight?" Sev asked me while we ate. "Oh umm yea it's Sirius' birthday today and his friends are throwing him a party so I promised to go there," I told them and received an excessive eye roll from all three of them. "What!?" They looked at me like I was stupid. "You are a part of their foolish little gang after all, aren't you?" Evan teased me. "Oh piss off." I told him and continued my meal.

I had a little time before heading to the quidditch pitch so I decided to get my outfit ready. It took me way longer to come up with an outfit as I was really stressed without even knowing the reason why. I wanted to look good because James was gonna be there. Maybe that puts extra pressure on me. 

Why did I just think of that?

Half an hour later I found a perfect casual outfit. A pair of wide brown jeans and a plain white t-shirt. I picked some jewellery to put on as well. A couple of long necklaces and chunky rings and my favourite bracelet. I wear that bracelet all the time. It makes me feel safe and I have no idea where I even got it from. It's made out from obsidian which is my all time lucky stone so it's perfect.

I was almost the last one to arrive at the practice as I lost track of time while trying on all the different outfits. Lucky for me our team captain, Emma Vanity, hadn't arrived yet so I wouldn't have to hear the boring lecture for the hundredth time of "how important it is to be on time". It was getting on my nerves since she would repeat the same monologue to everyone who ever came late. We all took a few laps around the pitch to keep ourselves warm while we waited for her. After flying around for a moment I dove under the stands to practice reflexes which I really needed as the team seeker. I'm pretty sure the golden snitch has its own will and it likes to fly under there, so being able to go after it there will come in very handy.

Emma finally arrived fifteen minutes later. She ran towards us while pulling on her jacket. We all had memorised her "being late" speech so well at this point so we took our opportunity to perform the monologue back to her. "You cannot come here late, you filthy little dork! It is very disrespectful and rude. If you can't get your ass here when you're supposed to then I have no problem kicking you out of the team. You spending our practice time for your own interests is not acceptable and it's wasting everyone else's time! Get your ass here earlier next time you idiot!" We all sang like a choir when she approached. She apparently didn't find our performance amusing because she showed us her middle finger and yelled; "Everyone off the ground NOW!" Everyone bursted into laughter as we jumped on our brooms and flew after her.

We were apparently very annoying the whole time because she ended the practice half an hour early after losing her temper for the millionth time. "We have only three practices before the practice match against the bloody Gryffindor, so could you please get your shit together by Thursday so we can make the tactique work, thank you!" She said heavily and took off.

The extra half an hour came to my advantage when I was getting ready. I headed to the shower the first thing in the dorms, after that I even had time to maintain my hair before leaving.

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