Part 3

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~1 month and 3 weeks later

We had another boy come up, his name is Frypan. But everyone calls him Fry for short. Nothing really interesting happened with him the past month or so. I'm excited but also scared. Because I have a gut feeling that the next greenie is a boy. And he's going to cause a lot of drama in the glade. We already have enough drama as it is with Min-min

~When the door opened

"Minho it's your turn to get the greenie," Newt said.

"I have already been there once, I don't want to go in there again," Minho sassed.

"MINHO! You are going in there and get the newbie like it or not," I said, being done with his klank today. You see, my body decided to surprise me with my period today. And everyone in the glade knows it. It makes me more scary than it should.

"Yes ma'am," Minho said, scared for his life, and jumped down once the doors to the box opened.

"Okay, green-bean time to get up out of the box," Minho said. Then BOOM!!! I knew that Minho isn't okay as the greenie and Minho are in the dark.

"I'll check it out. Because he might have gotten a hit to the head," I said to the rest of the group rolling my eyes.

They nodded and I hid my wings and horns as I hopped down to see the greenie scared. And holding a frying pan and Minho laying on the ground past out. From what I can gather, Minho scared the greenie. Greenie hits Minho with the closest thing to him, in this case, a frying pan. And now we have a past out Minho. To my surprise, the greenie is like 6"2' and I'm 5"5' not including my horns. Although all the boys are tall. With him, I feel so incredibly short standing next to him.

"It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. Can you give me the frying pan or put it down?" I said calmly.

"Why should I listen to the likes of you?" He said bitterly.

"Look if you want to get out of this box then you would have to listen. You want to get out of here don't you?" I said still in my calm voice.

After a while of talking to him about this, me started to get annoyed to the point my eye began to twitch. He finally came out of the shadows. I managed to lift him and Minho out with some vines. While I used my wings.

"Fry take Minho to the Med-hut. I'll be there after a while," I directed Fry as he nodded and put him on his shoulders army style.

"So who's the leader of this place? Just wondering because this place is really... organized," The greenie said with craziness in his eyes.

"That would be Tigris and Alby. I'm Newt. Currently, Tigris has full charge. Since Alby is in the mapping room mapping," Newt replied.

"Who's Tigris? I want to see him," Greenie said, annoyed.

"Dude, you've already met HIM," I said.

"Who's the girl?" Greenie asked.

"Tigris, and yes. I have wings and horns. And strips that look like scars," I replied, giving him a little bit of an attitude.

"HEY! No need to be sassy about it," Greenie defined.

"What's that!" I yelled as a greenish-yellow light surrounded me and my eyes turned a paler version. I remembered that when my dad got angry the same happened. It meant that he was going to transform into his tiger form.

"Oh-no you made her mad. And when she is mad. It's the scariest thing you'll see in your life. So you better run as fast as you can greenie," Newt said to the greenie.

The greenie didn't move an inch and said, "I'm not moving for a girl."

Then Alby came out hearing my yell and ran up. Knowing something bad is going down as I don't yell too often.

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