~11~ Bruises

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A/N: I ended up switching out one of the side characters out for Mike so if you saw him on the list of side characters, ignore the picture down below. Thanks! Read on!!

Last night, Jacob left with no heads up so the boys and I were kind of stranded. I ended up walking home with Mike, but I think Kristian spent the night. I also slept over at Mike's since he lives closer to the beach than I do.


"God, I'm so hungover!" I run my hands over my face. I took two ibuprofen, but it didn't work at all. I'm trying to finish this cup of tea before I leave, but I don't think I'll have time.

"Dude slow down, you're gonna choke," Mike says as he turns around with the pan of scrambled eggs.

"I'm fine, but could like hurry up a bit, I don't want to be late."

"Where are you even going?" He asks, dumping the eggs on a plate and handing it to me.

"Remember I'm training this year. And that girl Peyton, that Ramey and I were talking about, that's who Jacob and I are training."

"Oh, and did she give you that bruise?" I glare at him.

"No, it was from some douchebag who came into her shop last night." Mike chuckles and puts the dish towel on his shoulder.

"You guys work together too?"

"Small town I guess." I shrug as I finish my last bite of eggs. 

I set the plate and fork in the sink then run out the door, almost forgetting my phone.

"Need a ride?" Mike calls, reminding me that I don't have a car.

"That'd be great, thanks."

We jump in his Mercedes and head to the beach.


As soon as we pull in, Peyton pulls in right next to us.

I just realized she has a Range Rover.

Rich bitch.

"Oh hey," She calls to me as she places her sunglasses on her head.

I bet they're Louis Vuitton's.

"You must be Peyton, I'm Mike Deeber, Ace's friend." He extends his arm out the window and Peyton shakes it with a huge smile on her face.

"Nice to meet you. I hope to see you around." Mike nods, then pulls out of the parking lot.

She looks me up and down and I do the same. I was right about the Louis Vuitton sunglasses.

"You look rough."

"Shut the fuck up." I walk ahead of her.

"So do you have your trunks on under your clothes that reek of alcohol or..."

"Fuck!" I shout to no one in particular, causing me to receive disapproving looks from people near us and a small chuckle from Peyton.

"I can give you a ride to your place if you want to clean up a bit." As much as I don't want to do that, I need to.

"Fine." I cross my arms and follow her back to her car."


"And then you'll take a right, right there, and... we're here." I jump out of the front seat before she has a chance to park and she just waits in the car.

"You can come in if you want," I call from the front door, not sure if she heard me.


I think I forgot Mike on the list of side characters, so here's what he looks like in case you're wondering.

I think I forgot Mike on the list of side characters, so here's what he looks like in case you're wondering

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lmk if there are any typos and if the length is too short! Thanks!


Question of the chapter: Whose P.O.V. do you like best? (Ace, Peyton, Jacob).

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