~43~ Attention & Impatience

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The ceremony was such a long ass process, by the time they called my name I was so tired. I almost fell asleep, that's how tired I was. Whenever I'd try to talk to Jacob or hold his hand, he'd ignore me or pull away. 

I tried not to let it bother me, but it kind of hurt. Did I piss him off? 

I must be a professional at hiding my emotions because everyone would look at me with bright smiles and I must've smiled a realistic fake smile because they never questioned anything.

Ace, who is behind me, leans over and whispers in my ear, "They're almost done with the graduates, then they'll have the trainers come up, and surprisingly there aren't as many trainers as graduates so it won't take as long."

"That's great to know. I bet I could leave America, travel to Jamaica, learn their lifestyle, come back and they still won't be done."

Jacob chuckles next to me and when I face his direction, he stops chuckling and turns his attention back to the ceremony when both Ace and I know damn well that it is not interesting at all.

"Are you and him okay?"

"I think he's jealous that I said I was gonna eat out Marley."

"Isn't it Kristian that should be pissed like that?"

"Exactly what I'm saying."

"I'm right here guys."

Ace and I turn our heads in Jacob's direction and he gives us an annoyed glance. "And I'm not jealous."

"Oh really?" Ace scoffs and I elbow him in the chest and he falls back into his seat with a grunt.

"I just wish that Peyton would give me attention like that."

I turn around to see Ace's reaction, but he's not paying attention to the conversation. He has his eyes plastered on a girl walking across the stage. She's very tall, and slim, has cream-colored skin and big, bright blue eyes that you could get lost in and she has a red bikini on, but it's not like mine or anyone else's. Hers is a string bikini and I swear the string is so far up her ass, you'd think it's wrapped around her organs.

I turn back to Jacob who is still looking at me. "You want attention, huh?" I grab his hand and drag him out of his seat and through the sea of people, all the way to the parking lot which is still full of people, but it's less crowded.

I unlock the car door and release my death grip on Jacob's wrist and try to shove his tall frame into my Range Rover. After a few seconds of me trying and not making any progress, Jacob seats himself in the back and I follow him, closing the door behind me and locking it.

~/\~ Trigger Warning ;) ~/\~

I straddle his lap and run my fingers over his black button-up top, feeling his tense muscles through the formal clothing article. Jacob rests his hands on my hips and slowly starts to grind my hips on his groin. I slowly unbutton the buttons on his shirt and he throws his head back with impatience. To tease him more, I start to grind my hips faster and start trailing slow, warm kisses down his neck. His grip on my hips tightens and his pulse speeds up. His breaths are shallow and he's fighting back the urge to groan.

"God, Peyton, I'm getting impatient!" He finally cries out and I stop kissing his neck long enough to give him a small smirk before reconnecting my lips with his neck and trailing them to his jawline and back down his neck.

I can feel his dick slowly growing from arousal and I slow down my grinding and continue unbuttoning his shirt, revealing his defined abs. He helps me slide off his shirt and slides my coverup off my body and it falls to the floor of my car swiftly. 

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