~33~ Eggs

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As I'm cooking scrambled eggs and toast, my mom shuffles into the kitchen with a yawn. "Good morning Mrs. Day," Peyton says, getting off the couch to help my mom. "Honey, we've been through this, call me Sharon." 

"Sorry, Mrs.D-Sharon."

Once my mom is seated, she gives me a weird glance from the couch so I return the look.

We're all awkwardly staring at each other, so I decide to break the tension. "So, mom, how'd you sleep last night?" I pour the eggs into the pan and try scrambling them, but I don't think they look right. "I slept very well, actually." She gives me a small smile, before turning her attention to Peyton. "Damn it!" I shout as the eggs start to turn too crispy.

Peyton gets off the couch and walks over to the stove where I'm shouting profanities to eggs. "Let me help you." I move to the side so that she can fix the eggs. She turns off the stove and throws away the eggs. "Bring me the carton of eggs and butter." While I rummage through the fridge, Peyton is pouring herself a glass of water, silently judging me. I finally found the butter and eggs.

She swallows her last sip of water and walks back to the stove. 

Just to tease her, I put the eggs and butter beside her and I wrap my arms around her waist. I can hear her ragged breathing and her face is slowly turning pink. "So, you're going to put the eggs in the bowl, then, put the butter in the pan and turn on the burners. Then, add your seasoning to the bowl with the egg contents, whisk, then pour in the pan."  She sprinkles a little salt and pepper into the bowl and she starts beating the yolks with a fork. When she stirs the eggs, her ass rubs against my dick and I struggle to contain a groan that's trying to escape my lips. 

 I forgot my mom was in the kitchen with us until I hear her shuffling away. Once she's gone, I rest my head on her neck and give her small kisses. She smells so damn good. She stopped beating the eggs and pours them into the pan. She grabs the spatula and starts to scramble the eggs. 

"They're so fluffy! How?" I ask, picking my head up and resting it on top of her head. "When you beat the yolk and whisk the eggs the way I did and you scramble them the way I did, they'll turn out like this." She turns off the stove and reaches for the two plates, but I have her at a standstill so I grab them for her since I'm closer. She takes the pan and puts half the eggs on one plate and the rest on the other. I release my death grip on Peyton's waist and I put two slices of bread in the toaster.

I impatiently wait for the toasted loaf slices to pop out of the bread sauna. "I think you and I should share some special song or TV show or something." She starts dying of laughter. She tries to speak to me while manically laughing. "What the fuck do you think we are? A Pinterest couple?" Every time she breathes out she winces, but she continues to laugh anyways.

"You didn't have to be mean about it." The toaster dings and the toasty bread pops up. Peyton carries over the two plates, a tub of butter, and a butterknife. "I'm not trying to be mean, but when are we going to have time to watch a show together and why would we start playing music randomly?"

I spread the butter on the toast while I try to convince Peyton to let us have a song. "I'm not saying we'd start randomly blasting it every time we see each other, but whenever it happens to be on we can get all excited and say, 'hey, that's our song', y'know?" As I hand her the tub of butter she shrugs. "Fine."

"Wait, really?" 

"Yes really. Just don't make it dumb."

"Hot dog song?"

"The one from Mickey Mouse?"

"Yes, what other one would I be talking about?"

"I was thinking the same thing." Her face fills with excitement


The amused smile immediately drops from her face, "No! What the hell? Why would that be our song?"

I roll my eyes and put some eggs on my toast and take a bite. Peyton follows my actions.

She looks down at her eggs and toast, then suddenly her head shoots up and her eyes are lit up. "What?" She sets down her plate and runs out of the kitchen and I jog to follow her. She runs up the stairs, into her room and she rips her phone off the charger. "This song." She hands me her phone and it's open on the TikTok I made of her and I. "I guess it'll work." Her smile drops and she takes the phone out of my hands. "What's wrong?"

"You don't like the song, do you?"

"I like it, I do, but do you want to listen to a sad song?"

"It's not sad."

"Okay, Peyton." I scoop Peyton up and carry her back to the kitchen and we discuss our song over breakfast. 


this couple >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

So, since I started school last week, I've realized it's gonna be hard for me to juggle schoolwork and writing my story so I'm going to go on a schedule that hopefully, I'll follow. I'll  be posting on Wednesdays and Friday's, occasionally Saturday's.

lmk ab typos and the length. thanks!


Question of the chapter: Giraffe or elephant?

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