~7~ Coffee Drama

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The man swung at Ace and hit him in the cheek, causing the little girl and I to gasp. I slam down the wet rag, full of coffee and I walk up to the man. The little girl is hiding behind me as I approach the man. 

"Sir, you need to leave. You had no right to do this in MY store. We tried to apologize, we even gave you a free coffee to replace it, but you had to cause a scene. If you do not leave the store on your own, I will call the cops."

The man grumbles and leaves the store, leaving the little girl behind.

Ace sits up and looks between me and the little girl.

"What the hell? Did he just leave her?" I look down at her quickly, hug her side, and then look back at Ace.

"Ace...you need some ice." I go into the back of the shop, grab a baggie, and put a few ice cubes in. I wrap the bag with a towel and I bring it to Ace's bruised face.

He takes the bag from my grasp and holds it up to his face.

"We have to call-"

The little girl tugs on my shirt and motions for me to bend down.

She leans in and starts whispering in my ear.

"I don't know who that man was. He was at the park and he said he was a friend of my dad's, so I went with him. I asked him what his name was and he said John, but my daddy doesn't know John so I started screaming. He said he'd get me anything I wanted from this coffee shop if I stop screaming. Then he brought me here and all that stuff happened." She started crying on my shoulder.

I pick up the little girl and hold her close to my body.

"It's okay. It'll be okay." Ace looks over at us and his eyes widen in shock.

"Maisey? Maisey is that you?" He asks, squinting.

I pull the little girl away from my chest and realize it's actually her.

"Jelly!" I hug her closer to my body.

"Ace, I have to go drop her off at Jacob's. I'll be right back."

"Wait I'm coming with you!" He jumps to his feet.

"Well someone has to stay here to watch the shop."

"That sucks. I'm coming because that's my best friend. Just close the shop for the rest of the night or something."

"Fine, we'll just close early." 


We pull into Jacob's driveway and I ring the doorbell fifty times before he finally answers.

"What Peyton, I'm trying to find Maisey-" He looks at me and realizes Maisey is in my arms.

He scoops her up and accidentally hugs me in the process. "Thank you so much! How did you find her?"

I look at Ace and exchange a 'how do we explain this' look.

"What? What is it?" Jacob asks, setting Maisey down in the house and shutting the door behind her.

"So you know Charden's Café, right?" Ace asks and Jacob nods his head.

"So uhm this guy came in with her claiming he was a friend of your dad's and Ace accidentally dropped his coffee, the dude got pissed, punched Ace in the face, and left. Without Maisey." I said in one quick breath. Jacob shakes his head and laughs.

"So that's how you got that bruise. I thought Peyton gave that to you. Anyways, did the guy say his name was John?" Ace and I exchange looks once again.

"Yes." We say in sync.

"This isn't the first time he's tried to take Maisey from us. Thank you for protecting her." Without saying another word, Jacob goes back into the house leaving Ace and me with so many questions.

"Wait, so we're just not gonna call the cops?" Ace shouts through the door. He receives no response. "I guess what's a no." He turns on his heel and walks towards my vehicle.


Would you call the cops if this happened? I mean I'm sure Jacob has a reason, but still.

Lmk if there are any typos and if the length is too long or too short or perfect. Thanks!


Question of the chapter: Favorite character so far?

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