~27~ Meeting My Mother

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Even though I really didn't want to, Peyton let me take her Range Rover to pick up my mom while she stayed at her house and watched Maisey, which I'm thankful for because I have no clue how else I'd get to the hospital, Uber maybe, but I guess driving her vehicle is the better option.

"Are you sure I should take your vehicle?"

"How else are you going to get there? Trust me, you'll be fine."

"I can just call an uber."

"Get your ass out of my house before your mom begins to worry."

And just like that, I grabbed the keys from her hand and walk out the front door. I can't believe she's trusting me enough to drive this rich ass vehicle, I mean I haven't given her a reason not to trust me with her vehicle, it's just that if I had a Range Rover, I wouldn't let a single soul (except mine obviously) touch my vehicle.

She must trust me a hell of a lot.


"Watch your head, and there you go." I fold up the wheelchair and place it in the trunk and then I get in the driver's seat. "Who's car is this?" My mom runs her middle and index finger over the leather seats, trying not to gawk over the material.

"Remember that girl who came downstairs while we were fighting?" She simply nods and puts her seatbelt on. "Well, this is her car. She's letting me use it to take you home."

"She seemed nice."

"She's wonderful, mom. "

She squeezes my hand and she looks at me for a long while before letting out a sigh. 

"I'm sorry about the other night."

"It's okay mom. We're all safe." I pull out of the parking lot and towards the direction of Peyton's house, which is the opposite of mine. "Where are we going."

"Back to her house. I don't feel safe at home right now and she's also watching Maisey."

"Honey, you can't just stay at someone's house without being invited." Damn her and her manners.

"I was forced to her house. I was going to stay at Kristian's, or a hotel, but she made me go with her."


When we pull into her driveway, my mom looks mesmerized by the scenery. 

"Oh my goodness! This is lovely! She lives here?"

"Yeah, it's crazy. You'll have to tell her how much you like it once we get in the house." I get out of the car and jog over to my mom's side and open the door for her. "Don't worry about the wheelchair, I can walk perfectly fine." As soon as both feet are on the ground, she loses her balance and falls into me. "You were saying."

My mom wraps one arm around my neck and we start to slowly walk to the front door when it suddenly opens and Peyton's mom comes rushing out. "Oh my goodness, Jacob, let me help you!" She runs over to the other side of my mom and wraps her arm around her waist. Together we help her into the house and to the the guest living room. 

"Mommy!" Maisey runs to our mom and hugs her. "Oh my goodness! You look like a princess!" She is referring to the poufy tutu and my sister's sparkly tiara.

"Hello, Mrs. Day." Peyton comes around the corner in a hurry and rushes over to my mom. Even though she's only in a crop top and shorts and her hair is in a messy ponytail, she still looks beautiful. "Oh please, call me Sharon." She shakes Peyton's hand and gestures for her to sit down. "It is so great to finally meet you in person. I hear you're taking great care of my children." Peyton chuckles and looks in my direction. "Maisey is easy, but Jacob on the other hand is a handful."

"He's always been that way. I enjoy the cookies you bake and I don't say that often because I typically don't eat sweets. Have you ever considered doing that professionally?"

"Well, I have a coffee shop about fifteen minutes from here and we sell sweet treats there too."

"I'll have to stop by sometime."

"I'll be looking forward to it."


It was starting to get late out and Peyton is running around the house like a crazy person and runs into the guest living room where my mom and I are watching the news with cups of tea.

"Hi, Mrs. Day. I'm going to be having a small house party in a couple of hours. I just wanted to let you know in advance in case you wanted to go into a room where it'll be quieter. The party will mainly be outside, but people get nosey and wander around. I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you sooner."

"Don't worry about it, I was getting tired anyways. Thank you dear for letting me know." She turns off the TV and slides into her wheelchair.

"Let me take you to your room." She starts to walk away and I follow her, just so I can see where my mom is staying. "Since your legs aren't functioning 100% yet, I'm going to have you stay on the first floor and your room is here." She takes my mom into a room, across from the staircase and it is in close proximity to the guest living room.

Just like the rest of the house, it's enormous, there's a king-size bed, a walk-in closet which for some reason has clothes in it already, and there's a table with chairs in the corner of the room. On the other side, there's a couch and a flat-screen TV, then there's a door which I assume is the bathroom.

"I'll get her settled," I say to Peyton as she helps my mom into her room. 

"Oh, okay. Night, Mom."


I am so sorry I haven't published in a few days! I've been doing last minute shopping for back to school and I haven't been home for like three days. Sorry!

I'll publish three chapters today to make up for it.

lmk ab the length and typos. Thanks!


Question of the chapter: Favorite chapter so far?

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