Chapter 23: New Life

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Alright, I was yelling and screaming today at a mop and it's time to update, btw don't ask. I get mad over stupid things. Please enjoy!!
Irene's Pov:

I stared at the sunset as it always looked so beautiful. From the mountains you can see the beautiful horizon. I smiled and I rubbed my belly. It has been four months since Acnologia and I decided to settle down and have a nice quiet life. It's been challenging, but we managed to somehow to through it.

I'm five months pregnant. And my belly has grown. I can't wait to meet little one. We still don't know the gender of the baby yet, since we are waiting till birth to find out.

Acnologia wants a son. A strong son who will surpass him. But I'll be glad with whatever I get, and he even said that if it's a girl he'll still be overjoyed.

Strong arms wrapped around me giving me a backwards hug.

"Enjoying the sunset my love? Beautiful isn't it?" He snuggled his chin into my neck.

"Yeah, this is my favorite thing about each day. A day closer to when we get to meet our little one."

"Yes," he turned me around and placed his hands on my stomach. "Can't wait to hold you in my arms." He kissed my belly.

"So, we gotten everything done, and garden is coming along nicely, what do we do now?" I asked.

"Well, we could go down to the water fall and bathe and have fun while done there." He smirked evilly as he raised his hands towards my breasts.

I laughed and teased him by pulling him away. "Or we can just bathe for now." I smiled as I kissed his forehead.

"Your so evil!" He laughed.

"Oh, I know I am, race you there." I quickly teleport and I knew he followed right behind however he still managed to still beat me there.

"Ha! The king wins." He laughed.

I smiled and laughed to.

We took off our cloths and headed into the freezing water. Good thing we don't feel it. I sat on the edge and thought about everything that has happened.

We came back to Ishgar and started to live life as normal human, even though we still use or powers. We live in the cave together and started adapting to living normal. We began to garden, farm, and I actually learned how to sew. We eat many salads and sleep together in the cave, on a mattress Acnologia made from wool, quilt and pillows I made.

We work together as a team. And I seen him changing. He's not as evil as he used to be. He's more calm and chill with life. Or so I've seen.

I know that he still hates dragon and wants them removed from the world, but if that were to happen we won't be here.

But for sometime now Acnologia has been going off somewhere every other day. He doesn't take me where but comes back exhausted. He said he was doing something and it's a surprise but doesn't tell me what it is.

Suddenly a large wave came hurdling my way. I covered my face and I slight coughed.

"Hey! You planning on actually coming in?!" He laughed and teased.

"Oh! Your gonna pay for that!!" I got off the edge and headed towards him. Sending waves of water at him. We had a huge water fight, but he somehow managed to go under my waves and grab hold of my wrist. And gently kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his head.

I fell back into the water as he laughed.

"My silly queen." He mumbled as he pushed my hair behind my ear. "So clumsy, but I got you now."

I blushed as I leaned in for a kiss. He cupped my cheeks as I got caught in the moment.

"Come on let's get washed up." I said.

"Ah!! You are always teasing me women!" He laughed.

I smiled as I unbraided my hair and cleaned up my body. He washed my back and we got out and dried off.

"So," I've tried to start up a conversation. "Are you gonna tell me where you keep running off to every other day?" I asked even though I already know the answer.

He smiled. "Can't tell you yet. It's a surprise and I know you'll like it. It's gonna actually mean something to our titles as king and queen."

"It's gonna mean something? What does that even mean?"

"You'll see eventually." He smiled.

We both got dressed and watch the moon as we as I started a fire and cook fish.

"Staring at this moon reminds me of that moon dragon god I once met." Acnologia came out and said.

"Moon dragon god?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, she's just like the moon. Her powers are strong, and she like worships the moon since I guess that's her power. Her name is Selene." He said.

"Did you fight her?" I asked.

"I was, but she's offered me alcohol, and we drank while watching the moon. It's kind of her thing."

I laughed. "So is that how the powerful Acnologia is defeated? You just offer him some alcohol?" I couldn't stop laughing.

"I just can't say no to alcohol and it was actually good. And then she took off all her clothes and went for a bathe."

I blushed.

"She bathed in front of you?"

"Yeah, I still remember it as clear as day. I questioned her about it and she's said she takes a bath three times a day. As well as that she claims to be used to not wearing clothes since she's a dragon as well, which I understand where she's coming from cause sometimes I feel that cloths are annoying as well, but I've gotten used to it."

A small frown came on my face as I was scared to ask the next question.

"Did you sleep with her?" I asked.

"No, I didn't have sex with her. I think she wanted to though, it seems she was giving me mixed signals. I should've though."

"Why didn't you?"

"Well, I guess I just wasn't in the mood though. Even though we were both drinking and having a good time. Even though she is attractive. I guess she just wasn't my type."

"And what is your type then?" I teased.

"Long hair, a body of a goddess, red heads." He smirked and kissed my forehead.

"Is there any more dragon gods out there. I heard of some." I asked.

"There are but non of them are great, annoying even, and they think they can stand up to the king of the dragons. Death to all those who dare challenge me." He smirked.

I smiled softly.

"I guess there's still some out there. The dragons." I said.

"Unfortunately yes, they are still out there. There will always been. But maybe I'll see Selene again and you can meet her to, she was the only dragon who I encountered and never attacked."

"That would be nice."

We finished our dinner and headed but you to our cave. Even though it's small and somewhat cramped. It's still cozy. And I'm happy.

I stared at the moon and it's ray of light. There are more dragons out there. I'm glad.

"Goodnight Acnologia." I kissed his cheek.

"Goodnight my queen."

To be continued:
Alright hopefully my anger calms done. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and yes before anyone ask, Selene is going to appear in this story. I think she's cool. Thank you for reading, and remember to love Jellal like I do. Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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