Chapter 5: Return to the Alvarez Empire

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Hello readers, I'm back. People been asking where the hell is Acnologia, well he's back. Let's go. Please enjoy.

Irene's POV:

The night was disappearing fast as we had our backs face towards each other. It has been hours. After that bone crushing massage my hands were killing me and he actually was very gentle, and it actually helped me.

My heart is pounding like crazy, but why is it pounding?

"So, slave." My master began talking again.


"You said, you read a book about dragons, right?" He asked and I nodded. "Well, I would love to read that book myself." He said.

My body went into fear. That was a lie, that I made up about the dragon book. It doesn't even exist. However, I can't let him know that or else he's going to find out there's something going on.

"Ohh well, sorry but I don't have the book on me." I stated.

"Ohh, where is this book?" He asked.

"Back in the Alvarez empire. In my apartment." I said.

"Okay great, let's go get it." He said as he got up.

My jaw dropped to the ground as I ran after him.

"Um, you do realized that The Alvarez empire is in a different country? It will take us ages to get there!!" I said.

"No it won't." He simply said.

I scoffed.

"Oh and what makes you so sure?" I question to him.

I didn't get an answer however, he just grabbed a hold of my wrist and I saw flashing white light. I covered my eyes. And a couple of moments later I opened them to take notice that we were in Alvarez, outside of the palace.

My mouth opened to release a gasp but it wouldn't come out. My mouth was trembling and my teeth were chattering.

'Oh God, if the emperor found out that Acnologia is here, who knows how much chaos it would create.'

"Okay we are here now, which ones your apartment?" He asked.

"How did you get us here?"I asked.

"Oh I teleported us."

"I didn't know you could teleport that far!!"

"Oh, well that's how I get around from place to place, it actually quite useful."

"Anyway. Why did you bring us here?!" I whispered shouted.

"To get the book of dragons, you said it was in your room." He answered.

"You can't be here, if the emperor sees you..."

"Who gives a shit if the black wizard sees me, we are only here to get the book, and maybe a couple of other things in your room."

"Oh my god, whatever. My room is on the 17th floor in room 7, which is where all the other members of the Spriggan 12 is, which means we can't let anyone see you." I said.

"Alright, no problem. I'm like a ninja nobody will ever see me." He joked.

I rolled my eyes as he teleported us to my room.

"This is pretty big for a room." Acnologia said.

"It's technically a little ini apartment."

"Be careful. And try not to use any of your magic till we get out of here. The other Spriggan might sense you and then you will be in even more trouble." I warned.

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