Part 14

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I walked to my tent, I contacted Alby. "Alby I need you now!" "Do you know what time it is?" "Yes, I do. But this is an emergency or I wouldn't have connected you." "Okay on my way." While I waited I tried to stop the blood flow. A couple of minutes later Alby came into my tent. He saw the bloody towels and panicked.

"What in the heck happened?" Alby asked in a worried voice.

"I tripped while walking," I said trying to not make him mad.

"What happened?" He asked more sternly.

"Once I tell you don't get mad." I said and he nodded, "Newt, Fry, and Thomas asked me and Fey to help them learn to fight. Tonight was the first lesson."

*heavy breathing* "I guess that I shouldn't be mad. Let's bandage you up then," He said trying to stay calm.

"I love you," I said apologetically. It was a good thing that I had all of my plants in the tent. I told him what ones to use, how to mix them and place the paste on with a bandage. It's a good thing that it was on one of my stripes so it would be hidden. Once I was all bandaged up, I went to check on Fey. I found her sitting in the shallow water, her knees drawn up to her chest, arms wrapped around her legs. I sat down next to her. She hastily wiped something off of her face. She had been crying.

"What went on back there?" I asked knowing what happened but wanting to hear it from her. When she turned her face to me, she looked scared.

"Janson took over part of my mind, I could still process everything, but I didn't have control. I don't want to hurt you Tigris," she said.

"Hey, I don't want you to worry about it, I think I know something that could help," I said.

"What?" she asked.

"I had been reading my book, I found a spell to reverse control over the mind. The spell is permanent," I replied. We walked to my tent and I performed the spell on her, then she performed the spell on me. We didn't want to take any chances.

"When are we going to tell the others?" Fey asked.

"Tomorrow and when we do I want you to take Newt and Thomas, I'll take Alby and Fry," I replied she nodded and left my tent.

(2 weeks later)

Fey taught me how to pickpocket a little better as I was a little rusty. We taught the boys how to fight. We removed the mind control that Janson had on us. I have even gotten a lot stronger and have more training with different fighting styles. I noticed that Fey has a ring on her finger. Which I already knew was going to happen at some point.

"Okay, Tigris, I think it's time for you to get Minho out of that place. And remember to pick the right people for the mission," Dad said, I nodded.

"Everyone gather 'round it's time for me to gather some troops of my choosing. Now, remember if you're not picked that does not mean you're not ready. It means that your talents are best suited for other missions. So once I call your name come forward. The people that I'm taking with me are Thomas... Frypan... Alby... Fey... Newt... Phil... Daniel... Jorge... and Brenda." I said aloud to everyone at the camp, "Now those that I've called go pack up what you need. The less baggage we have the better meet back here in 2 hours. The rest are back up I will have an earpiece for me to connect to you if needed move out." Everyone left to do their assigned jobs. I went to my tent and grabbed the only bag that I have. I threw some clothes, feminine products, and some gun magazines for the guns that I own. I made sure that there is more than enough for all three of us girls with feminine products. Once I was done packing I went to the car and tossed my bag in. I went to Alby and helped him pack some things and moved the bag over to the car. I knew something was going on with Fey and Newt. I noticed that Fey started to smell different and her stomach was growing. Like she's pregnant but I'm not sure. I'll ask her while we're alone together.

-2 hours later-

Everyone is packed and ready to go and in the same spot.

"Alright let's get our Minho back once and for all," I said with a straight face. The boys were arguing over who was going to drive and didn't notice it when Fey slipped into the driver's side. She revved the engine and they all looked over.

"It's my turn to drive," she told them and they all hopped in grumbling. There wasn't enough room for me and Alby. I decided to go tiger for travel with Alby and we ran/road off to get our friend back.

-That night-

We set up camp in the desert, Fey and I took the first watch. After a couple of hours, the sound of cautious, soft footsteps and small pebbles being shifted ever so slightly alerted me to another presence. The steps were too soft and deliberate to be an animal or traveler. They were the steps of a thief, or worse, an assassin. Fey turned her head sharply to look at me. I made eye contact. "You hear that?" I asked in my head. She nodded, then turned her head sharply, listening to something. She suddenly lunged to the right, pulling out her sword in mid-air and holding it to the neck of a man. She then froze, and in one swift motion, she put her sword in its sheath and hugged him.

"Umm, Fey, what are you doing?" I asked, completely confused. She let go of the man, and turned to me, smiling.

"This is my Uncle Scivoloso," she said.

"Isn't he the one that taught you to pickpocket?" I asked. He stepped forward into the light. He was a tall man with a lot of muscle. I would guess he was about 7' 8''. He had tattoos covering almost every inch of his skin. His hair was long and black, and he had it pulled back into a ponytail. His eyes were a warm brown and were surrounded by wrinkles, indicating he smiled a lot. He had an earring in one ear, and when I looked closer, I saw that it was a tooth. Compared to him, Fey looked small. I was confused, how could this man pickpocket people without them noticing? I remembered how soft his footsteps were and frowned. He had to be more than 200 pounds, easy. "I know, he doesn't seem like he would be able to pickpocket you!" Fey's voice bounced in my head.

"So, how did you know I was here?" He asked. His voice was deep and slow, but surprisingly soft and quiet. I wanted to trust him, and Fey kept shooting me pointed glances.

"Both of us could hear you. And did you forget that Tigris is a weretiger?" Fey said, her voice surprisingly accusing. He said something else but I couldn't hear, I was becoming drowsy. Fey came into focus, snapping her fingers in my face, and I came back to reality.

"Wha- what happened?" I asked. Both her and her uncle were standing over me.

"Well, my Uncle Scivoloso is my mother's brother. So he's a half siren," she said. It explained a lot, like how I became drowsy when he spoke.

"Anyways, why are you here Scivoloso? Fey, if you told him to come, you're going to have a major problem on your hands," I said with anger showing on my face.

"What happen? What did I miss?" Scivoloso asked.

"Well, I'm the new leader of the Gardens as both of my parents are gone. And I am Mother Nature now too," I replied.

"I told him nothing!" she said quickly, throwing her hands up in the air like I was pointing a gun at her.

"I just want to make sure nothing bad is going to happen, Fey," I said and she put her hands down.

"Wow, I didn't know my niece could listen to anyone," Scivoloso teased Fey. I glared at him stone-faced while Fey acted offended. Newt walked out of the tent where all the boys were sleeping, his hair all messed up, him yawning widely. Fey looked like she was going to melt.

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