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Taylor's POV

After what felt like forever, I've finally calmed myself down. I started preparing Elisa's after school snack and was already creating scenarios  in my head on how she would react when she finds out I'm pregnant.

That was something I was not looking forward to.

"Mom! I'm home" Elisa shouts as she enters through the garage door.

A smile forms onto my face and I wait until she goes to me.

"Oooooh, what ya making?" She asks as she wraps herself around my waist.

Usually she'll either get food from somewhere and bring it home to eat, but recently I've realized how much I like preparing little snacks for her.

I plated some crackers with some turkey and melted cheese on top since she hates hard cheese.

"How was school babe?" I ask as she starts munching.

Elisa gives a slight shrug, "It was okay, I'm excited that it's almost over though."

She had start the year off really rough, and you could say that part of it was because of our relationship, but I'm glad she's finishing it off strong as one of the top students.

I knew that she hated when I kept secrets from her, and that she usually expects me to tell her before anyone else, but this secret is going to be tougher than when we told her that she was adopted.

Elisa's POV

Mom has been acting strange the whole day, but I haven't gotten the courage to actually ask her what was wrong, but I just assume that it was because she wasn't feeling well.

"Elisa!" I hear Mom shout from her bedroom.

I put down my pencil, close my planner, and head to their room.

"Come sit babe," She says as her and my dad are both hitting on the bed.

"Just a thought, but would you like a sibling in the near future?" She asks as she literally stared into my soul.

I was honestly taken back on this answer, but slowly connected the dots to her sickness. Do I just ask her if she's pregnant or give her an honest answer? Because no, I do not want one.

"You can be honest babe, we just want to know your thought on it." Dad says smiling at me when I haven't given an answer yet.

"I mean, I guess I really don't mind if I end up getting one in the near future." I say rephrasing Mom's words.

I see Mom take a deep breathe, but quickly covers it with a big smile and rubs my hand.

"Just wanted to know your opinion baby girl." She says with a smile and I just nod and head back to my room.

As I'm walking back to my room, I can't help but struggling to breathe and I close the door behind me a little too hard and silently tears stream down my face.

She's pregnant and this child will actually be hers.

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