My Daughter

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Elisa's POV

I sat in silence watching my Mom and Dad talk to each other, the way Dad looks at her like it's his first time seeing her each time. I didn't know that I was smirking until Mom called me out.

"El? Honey, why are you looking at us like that?" She laughs as she rests her chin on her hand.

"Oh nothing" I say back and bring my attention back to my iPad.

Mom wants me to attend the ultrasound for the baby next week and I couldn't say no. I still have this icky feeling inside me knowing that there's going to be a baby in the family, but I'm sure it'll go away once the baby is actually here. I hope.

"How's yours leg feeling? Still itchy?" Dad asks and I shake my head.

Do you know how difficult and painful it is having a cast on and on top of that, not being able to itch something that's itchy?

I've realized once I became practically homebound, that I couldn't stand being in the same room with my parents for more than like an hour. They ask so many questions and you end up knowing things you wish you didn't know.

"I'm tired." I say standing up and grabbing my crutches.

"Do you feel okay? Do you feel sick?" Mom asks and I shake my head once again.

"Mom, I'm fine, just slept late last night." I tell her as I start to head towards to stairs.

This sucked, I basically have to hop up the stairs, so Mom ends up helping me up the stairs and going to my room.

I throw my crutches on the ground next to my bed and pull the sheets up to my chin. I swear, my bed is the comfiest thing on this planet.

"Love you baby." She says as she kisses my forehead and walks out of my room.


Taylor's POV

I close Elisa's bedroom door and sigh.

I head back downstairs to where Joe is typing away on his laptop, probably responding to the rest of his emails.

"This new baby will be good for Elisa. I think she really needs someone, company." I tell him as I sit back down in the chair.

"Same, she's so good at hiding her emotions, but I can tell she's having such a rough tike adjusting to everything that has happened." Joe says closing his laptop and grabbing my hand.

I sit there staring into his ocean blue eyes and think. Ever since Elisa found out she was adopted, made me wondering when she would start asking questions. The questions I would never be ready to answer.

"You think she'll want to know who her birth parents are?" I ask Joe with teary eyes.

I can't stand knowing that there is someone out there, the actual blood of my daughter, maybe just waiting to get her back from us.

"I'm not sure, but you never know. We just have to be honest with her." He tells me rubbing the top of my hand.

I shake my head, "Her birth family didn't give two shits about her. Leaving their poor newborn on their own, she could've died Joe." I whisper.

"Hey, don't think like that. We raised the most perfect and healthy girl upstairs and we are going to raise this baby the same way, because you are an amazing mother." He tells me, but it just makes me worry.

I know I should be focusing on this baby arriving in less than 9 months, but my attention goes back to my first daughter.

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