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Taylor's POV

This week has been hard, for everyone. Only us three know about my miscarriage, I'm glad about that, it was right before we could tell the whole family. Elisa has been by my side for as long as I could remember, I didn't want to be separated from her for too long. 

Homeschooling has been going so well for her, but she does get very bored towards the end of it, so we have to think of more activities for her to do when she's done. She also hasn't been talking to her friends lately, which has me worried. 

"Mom, do you have to go?" She asks me. I needed to make a quick trip to the city for a meeting which meant I would be gone for two days. Joe would be here with Elisa, but she was already freaking out. 

"Yes baby, I'll be back before you know it." I assure her and she just shakes her head at me.

"I don't want you to go" She tells me again and I wrap my arms around her and kiss her head. 

"You'll be fine, I'll call you every chance I get babe" I inform her and this causes tears. 

At this point I was getting even more worried, after finding about the adoption, the school incident, and my miscarriage, I felt like everything was going downhill from here and it was all affecting her badly.


I looked at my phone and saw five missed calls from Elisa, I sighed. I had just gotten out of my meeting and Joe texted me saying she was freaking out because I wasn't answering her calls. I talked to her for as long as I could this morning and could hear the sadness in her voice which caused me to be upset. 

To be honest, I didn't want to answer her calls because it would make me more upset. I knew this was making her upset and if I heard her voice right now, it'd make me get back onto my plane right away. 

"Mommy! Why didn't you answer me!" She sobs through the phone as I called her as soon as I got back to my apartment. 

"Baby, I was in the meeting remember" I inform her and she lets out a loud sigh. 

"I wanted to talk to you," she says in a sad tone. 

"I miss you" she tells me in a soft voice which causes my heart to crack. 

"I miss you even my baby, but I'll be back tomorrow night!" I say trying to cheer her up. 

"Another sleep without you" She says sadly again which causes me to sigh. 

This was all difficult and Joe was telling me how hard it was to get her to sleep properly and she would constantly wake up every hour asking to call me. 

"Hey, you can do this baby. After that sleep, I'll be there to tuck you in okay?" I tell her. 

We continue to talk as I try to change the topics and ask her about her day and ask what she wants me to bring her back from the city. 


As I pulled into our driveway, I could see the living room lights still on. It was 11PM, Elisa was still awake and I knew she was waiting for me. When I opened the door, I heard footsteps running towards me and I was met by a pale looking Elisa with tear stains and Joe slowly following from behind. 

"Baby! What's wrong, I'm here now." I tell her wrapping my arms around her and taking a good look at her face, all of the color is drained. 

"She's sick" Joe informs me.

I sigh, "See, this is what happens when you don't sleep properly baby." I tell her rubbing her back and she just stays wrapped around me. 

Joe grabs my bags and I head upstairs with Elisa. I help her wash her face and tell her to take her medicine and we both get changed into our pajamas and I help her into Joe and I's bed. After Joe brought up my luggages into the bedroom, he joins us in the bed and I pull her close to me. 

"You need to sleep well tonight, okay? I'm right here." I tell her and she sticks her head closer to my chest and I run my fingers through her hair. 

I look over to Joe who has a worried look and rubs Elisa's back. After a while, I felt her breathing steady and realize she's asleep. 

"She's been through a lot, I've never seen her like that Taylor" he tells me with a worried look. 

I wanted to ask for the specific details, but he informed me that it should wait for tomorrow as we were all tired and I let sleep come over me. 

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