Stop Worrying About Me

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Elisa's POV

     It's been a week since I found out that I was adopted. That my parents weren't my real parents.
      I grab my phone off my nightstand and scroll through all of my social medias. It's around 10am right now and I woke up about an hour ago. At this point it has been really uncomfortable for me to social with my mom or my dad.
      I hear the door to my parents room open, which means one of them is awake. My door than opens revealing a really sleepy version of my mom. She walks over to my side of the bed and lays down, pulling the covers on top of her.
       "Good morning my baby," she says as she kissed my cheek and cuddles me.
       Her scent has always calmed me down. She just smells so fresh and cozy. I put my phone back onto my nightstand and sigh. She knows that I don't know what to do in this situation.
       My mom than stands back up, pulling me with her, "Come on, I'm going to make your favorite pancakes".
       God, now I can't resist. My favorite pancakes are chocolate chip Nutella with lots of whip cream on top!
       It's a little past 1pm and both of my parents are in the living room as I continue to watch Youtube on my ipad. I really want to go to the mall today, but I'm too afraid to ask mom. Mostly because she always says no, she is Taylor Swift...
        "Elisa, what do you want to do today?" my mom asks me as she stands behind me.
        I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know".
        I know she's trying her hardest to act like nothing ever happened, but I just can't get this strange feeling I have to go away.
        "Babe, we'll do anything you want today" she says with a big smile on her face as she strokes my hair.
         Well, I should try and ask her "Can we go shopping at the mall?". Her face than drops.
         I sigh, closing my ipad, preparing to go back up to my room.
         I than feel someone grab my arm as I head towards the stairs, "We'll go to the mall". I was sure shocked by that response.

Taylor's POV

          I made a promise to myself ever since the day she found out she's adopted, I'm going to give her all of our love and do everything she wants. I want her to be happy, I need her to be when I'm not.
          When I ask Elisa what she wants to do today, her answer didn't surprise me. But I'm going to do anything for my little girl, then we're going shopping.
          I see a small smile and she looks at me straight in the eyes, "Really?" she asks and I nod.
           We've been at the mall for about 1 hour now and I'm glad it's not so crowded here. I brought a few body guards just in case, but no one has come up to me at all today. I'm dressed cozy and I have my hair up in a bun.
           "No babe, you know I don't like you wearing jeans with rips" , I tell her putting the jeans back on the rack and she sighs.
           "I don't know what the point was to even come here, you always disapprove of all of the clothes I like", she says and begins to walk faster in front of me.
          It's not that her sense of fashion is bad, she's still my little baby and I'm worried of the things she wears out in public. There are some weird people out there.

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