Chapter 19

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"Okay guys, we have like 3 more people then we can go to catering." Normani answered.

"Hows it going so far anyways." Callie asked us.

I was about to answer when someone jumped on my back. All the girls mouth dropped and started jumping up and down screaming. I turned around to see our best friend, Bea Miller.

"Missed me?" She said and we all surrounded her into a hug.


"What are you doing here?" I asked shocked.

"Well I was going to come tomorrow for your party but tonight is the last night of your tour and I haven't got to see you preform live on this tour yet." Bea answered shrugging her shoulders like it is no big deal.

Soon the Keaton, Wes, and Shawn came out from behind the curtain and greeted Bea. I'm so glad she's here tonight.

"So Bea, I'm sure you know but this is my little girl Callie." Lauren said pulling Callie into her embrace.

"Of corse I do. Whats up dude! I'm excited to hang with you." Bea said giving Callie a fist pump. Callie just smiled and nodded.

"Alright girls lets go backstage." Big Rob said.

"Wait? Dont we have 2 more people out there?" Ally asked.

"No, we just said that to surprise you. Bea was the last one." He answered grabbing Allys hand and leading all of us backstage.

Walking backstage I was holding Dinah's hand. I feel so bad for her, she just had a pretty bad and public breakup and has to put on a show for the fans. Wes had his arm around Bea and Normani was walking with them. Shawn had his arm around Callie and of corse Keaton and Lauren were behind us.

"Psst." I turn around to Lauren trying to get her attention away from kissing Keaton.

She looks up with a somewhat annoyed face and I nudge my head towards Callie and Shawn. She has a huge smirk on her face and she takes a quick picture and mouths to me that "we will talk to her later."

Walking into the dressing room everyone is already sitting and talking amongst themselves and Shawn is now talking to Wes and Callie is talking to Bea. I really hope Callie and Bea get along because we want to ask her to be on our Summer tour.

"How ya holding up DJ?" I ask turning towards Dinah who has her arm around me on the couch.

"Alright Walz. Its just hard." She answered with a tear rolling down her face.

"I'm sorry babe. You deserve all the world and more. He definitely wasn't that and you dont need someone like him in your life." I said wiping the tear from her face.

All she did was nod and look away.

"Im gonna go outside for a sec. I need some air." Dinah said getting up and walked out the dressing room.

Ally looked up from her phone and saw Dinah walk out.

"I'll go check on her." Ally said knowing what happened i just nodded.


Dinah just walked out of the room. I feel so bad for her, She has to put on a front and thats rough. I'm sitting next to Shawn right now with his his arm around me. I don't really know whats going on between us but I think I like him. He asked me to hang out after the show so I dont know.

"Laur, I'm gonna go find DJ and Ally ok?" I ask standing up over to Lauren, Keaton, and Bea.

"Can I come too?" Bea asks.

I look at Lauren to see whether she would think that was a good idea. She gives a nod of her head and Bea and I leave the room and go down the hall.

We hear faint sobs coming through one of the practice rooms and we walk in assuming thats where they are.

"Shhhhh, Shhhh DJ, let it out. It's gonna be okay. We are here. Were going to get through this like we always do." Ally says rubbing her back while Dinah is laying on Ally's lap facing her stomach wetting Ally's shirt from tears.

Ally looks up when she sees us walk in and gives us a sympathetic smile nodding for us to come over.

I sit down next to Ally and Bea lays on the other side of Dinah and puts an arm around her giving her a hug. I'm not very good at comforting people, I'm still not even good with touching people.

Dinah turns around and sees Bea and I there and automatically gets embarrassed. I guess she assumed it was one of the other girls.

Bea grabs Dinah's face and meets there eyes just like the girls do to me.

"Its okay to cry Dinah. Dont be embarrassed because we are younger. Everyone cries and needs to cry and you have a definite valid reason to." Bea says pulling her into a hug.

Soon Ally joins the hug bringing me in with her.

"Callie, I need some good news right now." Dinah starts. "Whats going on between you and Shawn, and dont worry we won't tell your mom." Dinah finished.

"Um." I say and look around. Theres no getting out of this one. "I dont really know, but were hanging out after the show tonight since he's staying at Lauren's for the party tomorrow." I say

Dinah was just about to ask another question when she was stopped by Ally because Lauren had texted her saying that they had to come back to the dressing room.

We got up and walked out, Ally and Bea holding hands and Dinah and I.

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