Chapter 28

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"Girls, everyone off the bus and into the venue within the next 15 minutes please!" Will shouted throughout the bus.

Soon everyone was got off the bus one by one but I was still there as I, looked around for my things. I really couldn't find my earphones which were very much necessary. 

"Whats goin on Mila?" Dinah asked as she walked into the bunk area.

"I need my headphones and I can't find them anywhere."I replied frustrated at the current situation.

"Its ok girly, we can share for the day. Plus it will give us an excuse to cuddle." She kindly responded.

I quickly agreed, and we walked off the bus and into the venue towards our dressing room.  Inside the venue was a variety of snack which were requested upon our arrival by our management team. 

Dinah held the crook of my back as we walked throughout the venue.

"Mila, wanna go check out the stage?" She asked looking towards the sign pointing to the stage.

Usually we dont to this type of thing before the show, we kinda just hang out in the dressing room and relax before Will brings us to our next scheduled appointment. But today was different, Dinah and I were practically doing anything we could to spend an extra couple of minutes together alone.

"Wow, they r putting in work overthere." She said pointing to the men who were putting together the stage.

"Ugh SHIT!" a worker said angrily as he had just dropped a huge bag containing the confetti that goes off at the end of the show.

"Lets go help." I said and she agreed and grabbed my hand while we walked over there.

We bent down and started to collect the spilt confetti and place it within the bags. I had never met this worker before and he most likely had no idea who we were. Each venue had most of their own equipment people set up the stage and sometimes the seating.

He looked up and gave us a small smile and said, "Thanks so much girls, you really dont have to help its fine." 

"No no, its all good, it will take you three times as long to do it on your own." Dinah replied as she continued to pick up the confetti.

"Girls, I dont mean to be an asshole and I know your helping me out but I was wondering if you guys like snuck in or have backstage passes? I could get into a lot of trouble if you snuck in." He said with a solemn look on his face.

"Oh shoot Mila we forgot to put them on."

Dinah handed me our passes out of her back pocket and placed it around my neck and her also. 

The workers eyes widened as he read the pass which said the word "TALENT" on it and a picture of us five with "Fifth Harmony" under in smaller letters.

"Oh God, I'm sorry for even asking then I dont mean to offend you." He said putting his head down.

"Oh please, were not that full of our selves, we didn't expect you to recognize us anyways dont worry." I answered.

"And now you girls must stop helping me clean up. I'm like working for you guys, this is your confetti." He answered with a small smile on his face.

"Come on.... We came over to help because we are the assholes who sort out confetti at the end of the show and have u guys clean it, plus it was our stage equipment that tripped you." Dinah exclaimed with a laugh at the end.

Soon enough we were finished and took a picture with the worker whose name was Richard, for his daughter and headed towards the dressing rooms.

"Mila, and Dinah your here! You guys have an interview in the press room in about 5 minutes. Lets go Girls!" Will said loud enough for all of us to go to him and follow.

When we got to the press room Bea and Callie were already there. Callie watches all of our interviews because she doesn't really know all that much about us so she loves to hear the answers. But recently she has become a bit frustrated with doing this because the interviewers ask basically the same questions.

"Bea, you're going to be joining them in this one. That alright with you girls?" 

All of us happily nodded glad that we could have a friend join. She came over and sat right in between me an Lauren which is great, at least she didn't separate me and DJ.

Within two minutes Chelsea Briggs from Hollywire TV came in for the interview and to say we were excited was an understatement. We all love Chelsea, she's one of our favorites and has interviewed us since the X-Factor days. On red carpets we always make it a point to go for her interview even when management says we don't have time.

"Hey Girls you ready for the interview?" She says as she sat down after walking towards us. We all nod in response with a few "yes'" here and there. "The usual right; no asking about camren, boyfriends, rumors right?" She asked us and we all looked in between each other seeing if we wanted to talk about anything.

Dinah shrugged signaling that she didn't care and so did Normani since she was pretty open with her relationship and they split. 

"I don't care anymore, everyone knows." Ally said everyone also knows that her and her boyfriend had split. Lauren and I looked at each other not sure of what to respond. Do we want to even open that and have to deal with all the drama on twitter that follows? 

"Laur?" I ask not sure of the answer.

"I mean its just getting worse Camila, maybe we should address it? I don't really know." She answered looking at Will to see if he has anything from management.

"I trust Chelsea and you girls, if you want to do it I'm not stopping you." he said as he turned around walked to the back of the room to sit on the couch over there.

"Whatever, we might as well confront since its going over the top these days." I respond and look over at Chelsea. "You can ask whatever and we trust you a lot, but can you please send us the copy that you are posting to the internet before you do. And can you also make sure that its not edited in a way that will cause more drama?" I politely ask.

"I promise, and at any point if you don't want to as a question just shake your head and I will move on and we will cut that part out so its not noticeable." She answered very kindly.

"Should I like go?" Bea asked trying to get out of an awkward situation.

"HA! you would've though little one." Lauren said pulling her down

Lets see how this goes....

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