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                                                                                chapter one 

                                                                          the conklin household

                              ELEANOR fell back into her silk bedsheets, before leaning over to pick up the vintage phone on her bedside table, which had been ringing obnoxiously for the past 37 seconds

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                              ELEANOR fell back into her silk bedsheets, before leaning over to pick up the vintage phone on her bedside table, which had been ringing obnoxiously for the past 37 seconds.

     "hi, this is nora conklin, how may i be of service?" she asked, she always said that, even though she knew who it was, every, single, time.

    "come on, nor, i'm the only one that calls this phone." an irritating voice responded. nora groaned, and on the other side of the line jeremiah fisher laughed. she rolled her eyes, considering she had curlers in her hair and was in the middle of putting on a light blue eye shadow, that had specks of glitter, which she loved.

    "what do you need, miah?" her annoyed voice made jeremiah smile, while nora leaned into her pillows. 

    "just came to say hi, ask how much you've missed me and of course if you can't wait to see me tommorrow?" nora could hear the sarcasm, (she wouldn't of admited it, not even to herself, but subconsiously she'd been counting down the days until june, when she would get to see him again).   

    "you wish, fisher. what do you actually need?" 

    "nothing, absolutely nothing." he said.

    "so, you called me on a vintage phone, when cellphones exist, to tell me nothing, for no apparent reason."

    "bingo, eeyore." he giggled, hardly getting his words out. 

    "don't call me that, goldilocks!" she laughed this time. 

    "you know you love me" 

    "i don't, like, at all." she said, her laughter now gone.

    "fine! now you've hurt my feelings." he wailed, his fake whines escaping his lips.

    "go be butthurt somewhere else," she said before slamming the phone back in its original place on her bedside table. she got up from her bed, and walked over to her vanity, which had make up, skincare, plenty of lipsticks, and perfume scattered all over. the lightbulbs on her square mirror lit up her pale face, and she picked up her eyeshadow brush, submerged the bristles into the blue powder, leaned in closer to the mirror, brought the brush up to her eye lid, and started applying it. not even a minute later she got a text,


     it was from, you guessed it, jeremiah. just to mess with him, she sent two red hearts, and he replied with a heart eyes emoji. eleanor felt warmness creeping up her neck, and when she looked in the mirror, she was blushing. not like a cute, flushed pink on the cheeks, no, a dark red, full face, embarrassing blush.

    right then, nora's twin sister, belly, walked in. 

    "eleanor!!" she yelled.

    "hmm?" i responded, it ten am, why is she yelling?

    "we are going out for lunch and shopping, not a party" she exclaimed. eleanor shrugged, the only opinion that mattered was her own.

   "be down in ten," she said, shuffeling out of my room. Nora quickly took the curlers out, carfully put on mascara and a nude lipstick, then slipped on a mid-thigh length dress, which has poofy sleeves and fit her waist perfectly. The dress had baby blue flowers on it, which matched her dress, and she wore a pair of blue converse to go with it.

    nora grabbed a white crossbody purse, her phone, and skipped down the stairs. she stood in the kitchen, waiting for bels to come down. she got a message from nat <3, who is her best friend, the message said,

hey, i cant come over tonight, im busy

nat knew how much hanging out before nora left meant to her, she wanted her to help eleanor pack, but whatever, she replied,

                                                            oh, okay! be safe, ill call you later <3                                                                                                                                                                          

she left me on read

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