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chapter fourteen

break up blues

-summer nights

(forever and always- taylor swift)

WHEN NORA FIRST GOT THE MESSAGE, she was laying in her bed, watching the vampire diaries.

i'm breaking up with u. i've
been wanting to do this for months, i don't like u anymore and i've found someone better lol

let's just say, she burst out crying. she cried so hard all three of the other teenagers came into her room. belly hugged her sister, conrad brought tissues, and jeremiah was incredibly close to beating his ass. she cried, and she cried, and she cried. all of the moms ended up coming in there, hanging around for a moment, then coming back every once in a while to check up. belly hardly left her sisters side, who was shoving chocolate down her throat while watching bolt, it's the saddest movie of all time, she said. eventually, belly went off to bed, her sister not sobbing uncontrollably anymore.

jeremiah came in around 11, asking her if she wanted to go to the gas station with him.

"only if you pay," she said, her eyes red and swollen. jeremiah couldn't say no to a face like that.

"cmon," he said, reaching out his arm, she got up from her bed, slipped on her birkenstocks, and walking out the door, him right behind her. she opened his jeep door, climbing in and getting comfortable. she had her feet wrapped beneath her, and she had already went to grab the aux cord. exile played, then right where you left me, then happiness, and jeremiah started to get worried.

"play something fun, you'll start crying again," he said, so she changed it. getaway car it was.

when they got to the gas station, the one they'd been to a billion times together before, nora wanted to cry again. jeremiah told her that if she didn't he'd buy her the entire store, he only said that because if he saw her cry it made him want to cry.

nora got everything in the store. reese's, ice cream, buenos, gummy bears, dr pepper, everything. jeremiah took it out of her hands, and went to check out. the cashier gave him a weird look, but he ignored it. when they got back into the car, nora immediately started opening all the candy. jeremiah watched the girl, almost wrecking the car. at least she wasn't crying.

   nora hadn't responded to the message, she didn't know what to say.

   "jere, what should i respond with?"

"i don't know. maybe ask belly." he said, turning around the corner into the driveway.

"thank you, seriously, you cheered me up."

"of course." they both walked inside, jeremiah's hand on the small of the girls back, her arms full of snacks.

   nora put all her snacks in the pantry, then slowly and quietly walked up the stairs, tiptoeing to her room, then layed down in her bed. she was so worn out from crying for so long and so hard, she fell right asleep.

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