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                              chapter eleven


- summer dress

   THE NEXT DAY, NORA WAS IN THE BACK SEAT, belly and laur in the front. they were on their way to the tea at the country club. with jump then fall playing in the car, nora felt a zig from her pocket.

nora, i came out to steven.

okay jere,  what happened?

ok so we are at the club right.
and we were talking about people we've hooked up with.

absolutely disgusting.

and i got carried away and was like
oh i made out with him. and he was like all chill and stuff and just said "jere you've made out with everyone, ur such a slut" in a joking way

okay so you're okay?

yeah. glad to get it off my chest.

proud of u, but i still don't like you.

okay well i don't like you either.
when will u be here?

like two minutes. why? wanna walk me in fisher?

you wish 🥲
i'm  going in to steal some of those "deb only" treats

poor pastries 😞

    as they pulled into the club, laur let out a deep sigh. nora had a blush casing her cheeks, because she was nervous, not because of jeremiah

   "girls," she started, both of the girls looked at their mom. "if either of you decide you hate it or if the girls are mean or even if the food is nasty, you can text me. i wont say i told you so," laurel said.

   "i promise ma, we will be fine," nora said, hugging her mom.

   "just use the code phrase and i'll be right here. okay?" she said.

   "mom. we will be okay," bels said.

   "you do remember the phrase right?"

   "ellie belly, jelly telly," the two girls said at the same time, earning a smile from their mom.

   "have fun, love you both," she said, walking back to her car.

   "jere!" belly said, shuffling over to the boy who was walking up to the girls.

   "bels!" he hugged her, nora had an awkward smile upon her face, and jeremiah returned it.

   "i didn't even recognize you!" jeremiah looked down at belly

   "do i look like a fool?" she asked.

   "no, but nora might. she kinda reminds me of a clown," jere said, laughing. nora rolled her eyes and stuck up her middle finger, and he returned it with a hand on the chest and gasp.

   "anyways. let's go, we're almost late," nora said, dragging both of the others hands to the door. the three of them looked for the room, and were talking about some kind of pineapples and the fascinators.

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