Patience is a virtue

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Kiah's POV

It is funny how not to long ago, Lexi and Liam got married. And now, here we are, sitting in a waiting room patiently, not knowing if Lexi will be okay. No one is asking questions about why Sierra was at the house, but it is coming, I can tell. We are all on the edge of patience, this will not end well.

Liam is stressed. We all know it too. He is always tapping his food, or pacing or something. He can’t sit still.

I am worried. Worried to the point where I won’t really want to talk to anyone, and if I do that chances are I am going to freak.

Zayn… Well…. He has good ways of hiding his emotion. We all know he is sad, but we all are. He and Lexi have been friends longer then any of us, so ya, he has a reason to be sad.

I could define how everyone is feeling, but I won’t. Let’s just say, none of us are really truly happy right now.

‘’Family and friends of Lexi Payne’’ a nurse said. We all stood up.

‘’Well hi there’’ she said. She came closer to us and took a seat

‘’You might want to sit’’ she said. Confused, we did.

‘’What’s going on?’’ Liam spoke first

‘’Well, from what I was told, her surgery went fine. There was no problems, and the knife missed every important organ, witch is a miracle. But, the bad news is, Lexi took a hard fall. So hard, that she hit a important part of her brain. She will only remember certain things. She may not even remember you guys. All we know for sure, is that she is indeed okay, and she will eventually remember. If she remembers any of you, she will remember the last person that was on her mind’’ she explained

‘’Any other injuries?’’ I asked. She checked her clip board

‘’None actually. She is a very lucky girl’’ she replied.

‘’Can we go see her?’’ Liam asked. She nodded

‘’Not to loud though. She is in room 174. It is on floor 2’’ she said. We nodded

‘’Thank you’’ we all said at once. She waved us with a warm smile and we walked to the elevator. We all went inside, witch wasn’t exactly safe, but we didn’t care. Liam pressed the button ‘2’ and we were quickly going up. We stayed silent the whole time until the ding of the elevator signaled we had arrived on the second floor.

‘’Sierra, can I speak with you please’’ Harry said. Sierra frowned but nodded. We all walked inside to Lexi’s room. I guess it is time to face the music.

Harry’s POV

Curiosity got the best of me. I had to figure out why Sierra was at the house. She told me she couldn’t go to the party.

‘’Sierra, can I speak with you please’’ I said in the elevator. Sierra frowned, but nodded. When we all got out of the elevator, I pulled Sierra aside

‘’Why were you at the house?’’ I said, not sugar coating anything

‘’Harry, can we not talk about this here please’’ she asked. I shook my head

‘’I want to know’’ I said.

‘’Ok fine, but you are in for a ear full’’ she said. Then she explained to me everything. Her, Perrie, Danielle and Eleanor. The fighting, everything

‘’I am so sorry’’ she said as she placed a hand on my shoulder. I shook it off, wiping away tears for my eyes.

‘’Please don’t cry’’ she said

It's not picture perfect *Sequel to CWFOMT* *FINISHED* *ZAYN MALIK*Where stories live. Discover now